General - Massive Battery drain on idle. Battery went from 70% to 45% overnight...

 2 years ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/massive-battery-drain-on-idle-battery-went-from-70-to-45-overnight-with-all-background-apps-closed.4449443/#post-86935789
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General Massive Battery drain on idle. Battery went from 70% to 45% overnight with all background apps closed.

Dr. Vegapunk

Apr 25, 2015 Goa
I have no idea why this is happening. It's been 2 weeks since I purchased the phone. The screen time is showing 1hr 23mins but the phone was idle at night. Is there a fix for this issue?


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2021
View attachment 5621383

I have no idea why this is happening. It's been 2 weeks since I purchased the phone. The screen time is showing 1hr 23mins but the phone was idle at night. Is there a fix for this issue?
Something is keeping your phone from deep sleeping. When the display is off it can be in one of two states, one is the phone is still on, CPU is running but the screen is blanked out, this lets apps continue to work, for example sending an email you've just sent then turned off the phone. Then after a little bit more time the phone goes into deep sleep, this sees everything frozen so nothing is running and the CPU is off. It should be in this deep slate state most of the time you are not using the phone. What can happen is applications take a wake lock, and stop the phone from going to deep sleep, and over many hours that really drains the battery.

Restart the phone and see if it is now okay. Consider what applications you have installed recently that might be causing the issue.

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