Bethesda announces Starfield and Redfall have been delayed to 2023 | TechSpot

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Bethesda announces Starfield and Redfall have been delayed to 2023

The games required more polish, apparently

By Rob Thubron May 12, 2022, 8:29 AM 15 comments
Bethesda announces Starfield and Redfall have been delayed to 2023

What just happened? One of the most anticipated upcoming game releases of this year, Starfield, won't be arriving in 2022. Bethesda announced that its RPG has been delayed along with Redfall into the first half of 2023, news that will disappoint many gamers looking forward to playing the so-called 'Skyrim in Space.'

A tweet from Bethesda announcing the delays doesn't go into any great detail as to why Starfield and Redfall have been postponed, beyond the usual excuse of requiring extra time to add polish to the games.

An update on Redfall and Starfield. pic.twitter.com/pqDtx26Uu6

— Bethesda (@bethesda) May 12, 2022

"We've made the decision to delay the launches of Redfall and Starfield to the first half of 2023. The teams at Arkane Austin (Redfall) and Bethesda Game Studios (Starfield) have incredible ambitions for their games, and we want to ensure that you receive the best, most polished versions of them," it reads.

The post did have some good news in that we can expect to see our first deep dives into both titles' gameplay this summer.

Starfield's Steam page went live back in December, but the game wasn't due to launch until November 11 this year–the same date Skyrim arrived back in 2011. We said at the time that this was dependent on it avoiding the delays we're so used to seeing from large, highly anticipated games. Given how little Bethesda has shown of Starfield so far, missing that date isn't too surprising.

Starfield's Steam page, which still shows 11.11.22 as the planned release date, notes that it will be Bethesda Studios' first original RPG in 25 years. Let's hope it lives up to the hype.

The Starfield announcement will likely overshadow the fact that Redfall has also been delayed into 2023. Arkane Austin's four-player co-op vampire FPS was shown off at last year's E3. It looks pretty interesting, especially for those who enjoy the likes of Left 4 Dead/Back 4 Blood and the Warhammer: Vermintide games.

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