Codeforces Round #791 (Div. 2)

 2 years ago
source link: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/102793
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Codeforces Round #791 (Div. 2)

Hello, Codeforces!

I'm glad to invite you to Round 791 which will start at Saturday, May 14, 2022 at 09:35UTC. Please notice the unusual time.

There will be 6 problems in the round. Round is based on Team Olympiad in Lipetsk which is being held for the seventh time. Problems were proposed and prepared by iakovlev.zakhar, Kon567889, iura, andr1y, Masha237, welleyth and me. I would like to thank Aleks5d and KAN for CF round coordination and testers: Um_nik, 353cerega, errorgorn, Stepavly, divanik, nnv-nick, 4qqqq, to be continued...

Of course, I'd like to thank all Codeforces team for Codeforces and Polygon beautiful platforms!

I also would like to thank golikovnik, egneeS, dshindov and Inessa Shuykova (Lipetsk teams' coach) for preparing other Olympiad problems that haven't been taken for this round.

Note that if you are an official participant of the Olympiad, you are not allowed to participate in this round.

Scoring distribution will be announced later.

Wish you good luck and high rating!

UPD.1 Scoring distribution: 500−1000−1500−1750−2250−3000500−1000−1500−1750−2250−3000.

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