Merge Component Manager

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.uxpin.com/merge/component-manager?utm_campaign=sidebar2022-05
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Merge Component Manager

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The simplest way to connect
design with code

Follow the standards, exceed the expectations.
Take full control over your UI components with Component Manager.

What is Component Manager

Try the fastest way to import and manage coded UI components.
Easily bring your company’s Design System library or an open source one via npm package to UXPin. Build interactive prototypes with the level of functional fidelity like never before. All without the developer’s help.

Take your design consistency to the next level

Improve your design operations and build prototypes with the same coded elements that your developers use on the production stage. Reach new heights of consistency, efficiency,
and fidelity by unifying your teams with a single source-of-truth in code and UI.

Take your design consistency to the next level

"It used to take us two to three months just to do the design. Now, with UXPin Merge, teams can design, test, and deliver products in the same timeframe. Faster time to market is one of the most significant changes we've experienced using Merge."

Erica Rider
Erica Rider
UX Architect and Design Leader
Author company logo

Import and manage your UI components with ease

Import React UI components with the properties of your choice. Use the elements to design advanced and fully interactive prototypes in UXPin with ease. All without the need for developer's help.

Import and manage your UI components with ease
Import React UI components to the design tool

Import React UI components to the design tool

Just upload the chosen npm package and enjoy a UI library full of interactive elements that are ready to be used in your prototypes.

Control the components and properties easily

Control the components and properties easily

Manage and update the components as you need. Choose what you want to update and which properties should be available for your design team.

Centralize your components without developers’ help

Centralize your components without developers’ help

Use Component Manager to rename properties in a designer-friendly way, add useful descriptions, and categorize the components in a way that speeds up your work.

Let prototypes speak for themselves

Build fully interactive and advanced prototypes in just a matter of minutes. Get more valuable feedback from users and stakeholders by presenting fully functional designs that behave same as an end-product.

Let prototypes speak for themselves

Cut down time on handoff

Save time by reducing the back and forths between design and development teams. Have everyone use the same UI components which carry code and specs of the properties. Discover the easier way of doing handoff and help developers build the product exactly as it has been designed.

Cut down time on handoff

Use your library or open-source

Bring in your team’s library of code components or import an open-source one. Save hundreds of development hours of coding components into
a system – just pick from MUI, Fluent, and many more libraries to empower designers and developers with the single source of truth.

Use your library or open-source

Publishing Coded Components
is as easy as 1-2-3

Publishing Coded Components<br/>is as easy as 1-2-3

Learn more about code component integrations

Discover more integrations that will help you design with code. Learn more about all the options.

<font style=[Try Git integration](https://www.uxpin.com/merge) ![arrow](https://cdn.buttercms.com/Dqd0z4nCStipDantC9vd)" />

Try Git integration arrow

<font style=[Try Storybook integration](/merge/storybook-integration) ![arrow](https://cdn.buttercms.com/Dqd0z4nCStipDantC9vd)" />

Try Storybook integration arrow

<font style=[Learn more](/docs/merge/merge-component-manager/) ![arrow](https://cdn.buttercms.com/Dqd0z4nCStipDantC9vd)" />

Learn more arrow

Try Merge
Component Manager

Simplify your design workflow with Merge Component Manager and release digital products faster.

Try Merge <br>Component Manager

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