CRYPTOS SEED Launches a Prime Brokerage for Digital Assets

 2 years ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/cryptos-seed-launches-a-prime-brokerage-for-digital-assets/
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CRYPTOS SEED Launches a Prime Brokerage for Digital Assets

A startup called CRYPTOS SEED, offering online crypto trading services, has been successfully sent live recently. According to the official statement, the online trading platform of CRYPTOS SEED will provide a comprehensive infrastructure for hosting digital asset trading. The platform has been established with the joint efforts of veteran traders, reputable institutional investors and significant players from digital asset industry.

Official mission statement of the platform suggests that “We have put in our tireless efforts in the establishment of an integrated seamless global trading venue, the purpose of which is to enable institutions and individuals in the acquisition and disposal of digital assets.” It is expected that the platform would be working in the regulated and non-regulated but licensed trading markets of cryptocurrency trading.

Amongst the initial trade objectives of CRYPTOS SEED, the platform wishes to immediately send live Bitcoin future contracts. However, in doing so, the platform is expecting approval from the regulator of commodities’ market.

However, the officials of the platform, have further clarified that the platform does not focus on any singular type of tradingi.e. crypto trading. In fact, the platform will be hosting more than one and approximately 6 types of trading. Apart from crypto trading, traders can utilize trade services in stocks, commodities, indices, forex and precious metals.

Initially there were rumors that platform is crypto trading based however the rumors were timely quashed by the officials of the platform.


On behalf of CRYPTOS SEED, its CEO Jean Renfrowsuggested that “We want to make a difference in the industry because our objective is not entirely based on providing trade opportunities alone. In fact we want to make sure that our traders and investors are educated in the sense that they can become experts in their own. This is why we are offering multilingual education courses comprising all the needed education and the relevant know-how about online trading. We will further guide you in choosing your digital wallets where you can ensure safety of your digital assets and the proceeds earned through sale of such assets.

At the same time, the platform vouches for providing the world’s safest and advanced security features enable trading platform. In this connection, the CEO of CRYPTOS SEED pointed out that their web-based trading network comes with high end 256-bit security standards. Because of the technological advancement, no one would be able to breach into the network and obtain unauthorized access either to neither the network nor the trading accounts.

In addition, the trading accounts of CRYPTOS SEED have been further secured by applying 2FA authorization standard. At each login attempt, a trader would be asked to provide two-stage security passcodes for accessing the account. After first successful attempt, there will be another password required to eventually allowing access to the trader’s account.

In case, either of the two passwords is compromised, the intruder will not be granted access and subsequently a warning message will be sent to the beneficiary of the account. It would be only after the confirmation of the beneficiary that the access will be granted in such a situation. Otherwise, the platform will temporarily block access for preventing occurrence of a mishap.

On the other hand, according to the CEO, the crypto trading platform will promote transparency at all levels. In this connection, it has been promised that the platform will abide by policies of AML and KYC for ensuring good business practice.

It was pointed out by the CEO that “We want to promote AML and KYC policies in the best interest of our customers. We believe that corruption is a menace which needs to be eliminated from its roots by joint efforts. Similarly, a great loss to humanity has been caused at the hands of terrorist over the years because businesses failed to implement KYC policy in letter and spirit. However, we are committed to ensure full and effective compliance of KYC policy so as to curb the deliberate and non-intentional terrorism funding.

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