Weekend poll: Are you tuning into Google I/O this year?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/weekend-poll-are-you-tuning-into-google-io-this-year/
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Weekend poll: Are you tuning into Google I/O this year?

By Will Sattelberg Published 1 hour ago

Google's next big event is just a few days away

Google I/O is just a few days away from kicking off, and we're pretty damn excited. There's no shortage of rumors about what to expect this year, from shiny new hardware to a look at the clearest vision yet for Android 13. Just like last year, Google I/O is a virtual event this year, so everyone can attend any talk, discussion, or keynote they're interested in. And don't be mistaken: there's plenty to catch this year outside of the main event.

We've covered a whole slate of events worth watching, from "What's new in Android" to a talk focused on some intriguing changes to the back button, and it all sounds pretty promising. "What's new in Google Pay" seems likely to shine a light on all of those strange "Wallet" murmurings we've seen over the last month or so. Meanwhile, an event all about Google Home could have some massive repercussions on your smart home tech — especially as we continue to wait for the long-delayed launch of Matter.

But we won't pretend the annual keynote isn't the most exciting part of Google I/O. Not only will this cover a broad amount of topics — including touching on many of those highlighted talks — but it's also where we're likely to see hardware launches. The Pixel 6a, Pixel Watch, maybe even a new Chromecast — if it's coming at Google I/O, it'll appear at the keynote.

So, how much of I/O will you be tuning into this year? Are you going all-in as a virtual attendee, or will you skip everything but the keynote? Maybe you won't watch at all this year — in which case, the folks here at Android Police will have you covered all week long with any breaking news. Google I/O kicks off on Wednesday at 1:00 PM ET with the keynote.

Are you tuning into Google I/O this year?

Yes, I'll be watching as many events as I can.

I'll catch the keynote, plus a handful of interesting talks.

I'm just watching the keynote.

I won't be tuning in at all.

Something else (leave a comment).

About The Author

Will Sattelberg (993 Articles Published)

Will has been an Android enthusiast since he got his first smartphone in 2011. He loves watching movies, has a never-ending backlog of video games, and produces podcasts in his spare time. He lives in Buffalo, NY and is willing to give you chicken wing recommendations at any time. Just ask.

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