AWS Migration Hub

 2 years ago
source link: https://aws.amazon.com/migration-hub/?nc2=h_ql_prod_mt_mh
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AWS Migration Hub is the one destination for cloud migration and modernization, giving you the tools you need to accelerate and simplify your journey with AWS. Perhaps you’re making the case for cloud within your organization, or creating a data-driven inventory of existing IT assets. Maybe you’re planning, running, and tracking a portfolio of applications migrating to AWS. Or you might be modernizing applications already running on AWS. In all of these cases, Migration Hub can help with your cloud transformation journey. 

Migration Hub provides a single place to store IT asset inventory data while tracking migrations to any AWS Region. After migration, use Migration Hub to accelerate the transformation of your applications to native AWS. 

Migration Hub is available to all AWS customers at no additional charge. You pay only for the cost of the migration tools you use, if any, and any resources being consumed on AWS. When using AWS Migration Hub Refractor Spaces you pay only for what you use plus other AWS resources Migration Hub orchestrates with costs associated.


Migration acceleration

Accelerate your application migrations using proven predefined workflow templates based on thousands of applications with similar patterns that AWS has migrated. With AWS Migration Hub, you can reduce your time and costs by removing many of the manual tasks involved in migrating large-scale enterprise applications, managing dependencies between different tools, and customizing the migration workflow templates to address the needs of specific workloads and use cases.

Fast-track application refactoring

Migration Hub helps you fast-track refactoring applications, simplify development and operations, and manage existing apps and microservices as a single application. Migration Hub eliminates the undifferentiated work of building and operating AWS infrastructure for incremental refactoring. It reduces the business risk of evolving applications into microservices or extending existing applications that can’t be modified with new features written in microservices.

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