Reserved Instance (RI) Reporting

 2 years ago
source link: https://aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/reserved-instance-reporting/?nc2=h_ql_prod_cm_rir
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Reserved Instance (RI) Reporting

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The Reserved Instance Utilization and Coverage reports are available out-of-the-box in AWS Cost Explorer. Using these reports, you can set custom RI utilization and coverage targets, visualize how well you are tracking towards your goals, and access information associated with your savings as compared to On-Demand prices. From there, you can refine the underlying data using the available filtering dimensions (e.g. account, instance type, scope, and others) to grain greater insight into your reservations.

Using the AWS Cost & Usage Report to understand your RIs

One of the core benefits of the AWS Cost & Usage Report is the wealth of RI-related data that is made available to you. The AWS Cost & Usage Report can be customized to collect cost and usage data at the daily and monthly levels of detail, and is updated at least once per day. If desired, the AWS Cost & Usage Report can even be ingested directly into Amazon Athena, Amazon QuickSight, or your Amazon Redshift cluster.

Getting Started

RI Coverage

The RI Coverage report allows you to discover how much of your On-Demand instance usage is covered by RIs, so that you can make informed decisions about when to purchase or modify an RI to ensure maximum coverage. These reports visualize the percentage of running instance hours that are covered by RIs (i.e., RI coverage) in aggregate or in detail (e.g., by account, instance type, region, availability zone, tags, platform). In addition, they allow you to define an RI coverage threshold against which to monitor.

The report shown above displays an upward RI coverage trend of c3.large instances at a monthly level of detail.

Go to the RI Coverage report »

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