Container Orchestration & Management on AWS | Amazon Web Services

 2 years ago
source link: https://aws.amazon.com/containers/?nc2=h_ql_sol_use_con
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Container Orchestration & Management on AWS

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Build secure microservices
Ensure strong security isolation between your containers. AWS provides the latest security updates and lets you set granular access permissions for every container. AWS offers over 210 security, compliance, and governance services, plus key features to best suit your needs.
Move from idea to market, faster
Get started quickly with AWS Copilot or AWS App Runner to reduce operational overhead and management. AWS can help your team release your applications quickly, streamline feedback, iterate faster on ideas, and speed up time to market.
Choose the right compute and container orchestrator for your needs

Select from the broadest choice of services to run your containers. Choose AWS Fargate for serverless compute for containers, where AWS will manage your infrastructure provisioning. For full control over your compute environment, choose to run your containers on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). For container orchestrators, you can choose either Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

Integrate across AWS with high reliability

Combine the agility of containers with the elasticity and security of the cloud. AWS container services are deeply integrated with other AWS services by design, allowing your container applications to take advantage of the breadth and depth of AWS, from networking and security to monitoring. AWS container services run on a widespread global infrastructure with over 80 Availability Zones (AZ) across 25 Regions. More info on SLAs for the container services can be found here: Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, and AWS Fargate.

of all containerized applications running in the cloud run on AWS*
YOY growth of AWS containers services
Amazon EKS usage growth in one year
Fargate usage growth in one year, 100 million tasks running every week

8 billion+

weekly image pulls using Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

AWS Containers services

Use cases

Build microservices

Break apart applications and run them as independent components, called microservices, using containers to isolate processes.

Leverage batch processing

Package batch processing and extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs into containers to start jobs quickly and scale them dynamically in response to demand.

Scale machine learning models

Quickly scale machine learning (ML) models for training and inference and run them close to your data sources on any platform with containers.

Standardize hybrid application code

Standardize how you deploy code by building workflows for applications in containers and running them between on-premises and cloud environments.

Migrate applications to the cloud

Package entire applications and move them to the cloud without the need to make any code changes.

Build a platform-as-a-service (PaaS)

Help developers start innovating fast. Standardize how your applications are deployed and managed with containers, without the need to manage infrastructure.

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