How to factory reset a Chromebook

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/how-to-factory-reset-a-chromebook/
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How to factory reset a Chromebook

By Zach Traverso Published 23 hours ago

Make your device as good as new with a quick Powerwash

Chromebooks are great computing devices since they’re incredibly easy to use and reliable, with some of the best Chromebooks offering hardware that rivals Windows laptops. If you've managed to get your hands on a new-for-you Chromebook, you may have the previous owner's data installed. If so, here are a few ways to factory reset your Chromebook.

What to keep in mind when resetting your Chromebook

Before resetting your device, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Resetting your Chromebook will permanently remove all local files. If possible, before resetting your Chromebook, make sure all files you need are backed up so that you do not lose them. These files cannot be recovered after the reset, so make sure you have what you need.
    • All accounts on your Chromebook will be removed when the Chromebook is reset. Make sure all files from those accounts are backed up, and that login information for those accounts is saved in a password manager.
  • Most Chromebook data is automatically backed up to the associated Google account; however, neither Android app data nor Linux apps will be saved. Make sure to manually back up your Linux apps and Android app data before you begin the reset process.
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How to factory reset a Chromebook when logged in

In some instances, you may be logged into your Chromebook when you decide it’s time to reset it. If that's the case, here's how to wipe your device:

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. On the left, select Advanced.
  3. Click the Reset settings option.
  4. Push the Reset button.
  5. Click Restart on the dialog box that pops up.

Once the device is restarted the reset should be complete. You will now be prompted to sign in to your Google account and start the Chromebook set up process.

How to factory reset a Chromebook from the login screen

If the previous owner did not remove their data from the Chromebook, you may not be able to log in and reset it through settings. Luckily there is still a way to reset the device from the login screen:

  1. Simultaneously press Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and R.
  2. Click the Restart button on the dialog box that appears.
  3. After your Chromebook has restarted, select the Powerwash button in the new dialog box that pops up.
  4. Confirm that you want to powerwash your device by clicking the Continue button.

Once this process completes your device will be reset and you will be prompted to log in with a Google account.

You’re now prepared to Powerwash your Chromebook should the need arise. If you notice your laptop is slowing to a crawl but don't want to resort to a Powerwash, you may be able to fix the problem using the Chrome OS Diagnostics app.

About The Author

Zach Traverso (13 Articles Published)

Zach became an android enthusiast in 2016 when he got his first Android phone, A Motorola Droid Turbo 2, and has been following the industry since. Chromebooks are a passion of Zach's since he picked up an original HP Chromebook x2, which he writes all of his articles on. Zach is also an avid Google fan having owned 2 Pixels and countless Chromecasts, Speakers, and Pixel Buds.

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