How to use Boosters for SAP Process Insights

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2022/04/25/how-to-use-boosters-for-sap-process-insights/
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April 25, 2022 5 minute read

How to use Boosters for SAP Process Insights

Did you know that the boosters for SAP Process Insights is now available on the SAP Cloud Platform cockpit in the productive environment? Boosters automate the cockpit tasks of creating subaccount, service instance and the service key to access the services for productive users with global accounts. They can really save you time when onboarding to the SAP Process Insights Service.

To show you exactly what boosters do and how you can trigger them, let me give you some more information about boosters followed by a step by step guide on how to trigger the booster.

Why are boosters useful?

The manual step by step set-up of the relevant cockpit tasks (creating subaccount, service instance & service key) in the productive environment can take up to 15 minutes. Using the boosters reduces this time to 20-30 seconds by automating those tasks!

Moreover, the SAP Process Insights booster also automates the subscription and role assignment for the UI application. With this booster, you can also subscribe to and access the SAP Process Insights UI, which is why the execution of this booster takes a few seconds longer. This will lay the path to completing the plug and play onboarding quickly.

What are the prerequisites for using boosters?

A global account on SAP Cloud Platform and the entitlements to the service are required in order to access the boosters. Also, you need to be on the productive environment.

See details on available providers and regions for Document Information Extraction in the SAP Help documentation.

Let’s now go through the process of using a booster step by step:

Step 1: Accessing & Launching Booster

Access the SAP Cloud Platform cockpit. Choose Boosters in the navigation menu on the left. You can now see the boosters for SAP Process Insights. Alternatively, search for the booster via the search field.


Select the booster for SAP Process Insights

You can launch the boosters by clicking Start in the respective tile on the overview page. Alternatively, you can click on the tile to see an overview of the tasks automated by the booster, more information about the components and the additional resources. You can then also trigger the boosters from there by clicking Start.


Check SAP Process Insights booster components

Step 2: Running Booster to Create Service Key

The process will start by checking if you meet all the prerequisites required for the booster. As mentioned before, make sure to visit the SAP Help documentation to see more information on the prerequisites (available regions and providers). If both checks are green, you can continue by pressing the “Next” button.


Check if technical prerequisites are in place

Click Next

You then will have the possibility to choose the subaccount. Either you create a new subaccount, or you can pick an existing subaccount. Simply press either radio button.


Create a new subaccount or re-use an existing one

Click Next

Firstly, you will have to pick the service plan. There are three different possibilities. In case your SAP Process Insights license comes as part of the RISE bundle, please pick the “rise” entry. This will enable you for a one-time data load into the newly created subaccount. Pick “test” as part of your base package. Select this plan when you want to subscribe to the application in your subaccount intended for quality and validation purposes. And finally pick “standard” for you want to subscribe to the application in your subaccount intended for productive use.

Secondly, the subaccount for your new development project will be created. The default values don’t have to be changed, but it is advisable to customize your Subaccount Name. This is especially relevant if you plan on having multiple subaccounts. If you want to access the service key and the service instances that are created by the booster at a later time, you can find the subaccount to access them much easier by looking for the name.

Moreover, you must assign provider and region. The nice thing about the newly created subaccount is that only eligible data centers will be offered to you. So, provider and region will be only available for data centers on which SAP Process Insights is deployed.

Within the setup you must choose a subdomain, which will be part of your URL; how you access the subscription of SAP Process Insights. So, pick wisely!

Last input is required for the cloud foundry environment. Cloud foundry will be enabled, and a space has to be defined. Also consider naming conventions here; usually they are defined within the company already.


Enter subaccount details and enable cloud foundry

Click Next

Within the user maintenance you will assign users as administrators and developers for the account maintenance. Admin users and developers will be created and assigned! Please note that in this step no application specific role collection names can be adjusted by you. A role collection with all possible roles will be created automatically. Of course, you can adjust and use your identity provider afterwards as well to ensure relevant business users are able to use SAP Process Insights. Further details on setting up the Identity Provider can be found here.


Create role collection and users

Click Next

Next, you will have the opportunity, to review the set-up process. You can click on Previous to go back and edit your input, or you can select Finish to complete the process and run the booster.


Review details and finish

Step 3: Progress & Success

The booster will start running, and a dialog box showing the progress will appear. Cockpit tasks of creating subaccount and creating the service instance are automated.


Check the progress

You’ve now prepared your subaccount for SAP Process Insights. This included setting up a service instance with a service key. The service key details are later needed to connect your managed system to your cloud tenant for SAP Process Insights. For further details please see the SAP Help Portal.


Enjoy the success message

Congratulations, once you see this screen, you are prepared to Run SAP Process Insights! The only thing missing is the connect in SAP ERP.

Good to know:

If you want to access the service key at a later time again, just go to Subaccounts in the navigation menu, click on the subaccount you created for the respective service, click on Service Instances in the navigation menu. There you can see the service instance that has been created and you can access the service key from there. You don’t need to trigger the booster every time to download the service key.

For SAP Process Insights, you can go to the service subaccount, click on Subscriptions in the navigation menu to find the Document Information Extraction UI tile. Click on Go to Application to access the service application.

There you have it:

A step by step guide on how you can save time by triggering the boosters for SAP Process Insights.

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