WristChat brings WhatsApp to the Apple Watch - 9to5Mac

 2 years ago
source link: https://9to5mac.com/2022/04/07/wristchat-app-brings-the-whatsapp-experience-to-the-apple-watch/
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WristChat brings WhatsApp to the Apple Watch

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messenger apps in the world, but when it comes to Apple platforms, it is only available for iPhone and Mac. Now, thanks to developer Adam Foot, users can finally access WhatsApp from their wrists with the new WristChat app for the Apple Watch.

WristChat uses the WhatsApp Web API to access user messages in a watchOS app. However, the app was built using SwiftUI to provide an interface designed for the Apple Watch. After installing the app on your Apple Watch, all you have to do is scan the QR Code on the screen using WhatsApp on your phone.

After the first setup, the app shows a list of all your recent messages, similar to what you get in Apple’s Messages app. Then, you can tap on a conversation to see the messages and even send a new one – it’s that simple.

Users will also find some options for customizing the interface. For example, the app lets you choose whether or not you want to see your contacts’ profile pictures in the message list and even change the color of the message bubbles. It also has built-in haptic feedback and tips to help users navigate through the app.

Of course, users can also send WhatsApp messages with WristChat. Although you can’t start a new conversation from the app, there’s an option to send messages in any of your current conversations. You can use any of the input methods available for your Apple Watch, such as dictation and Scribble.

However, if you’re really serious about messaging from your watch, the app integrates with WristBoard – which is a keyboard app for the Apple Watch, formerly called Shift Keyboard. With WristBoard, you can not only type on a full keyboard, but you also have access to autocorrect and suggestions. Even better, it works with any model of Apple Watch, not just Series 7.

WristChat and WristBoard are now available on the App Store for $2.99 each.

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