UX London speaker updates

 2 years ago
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Journal—UX London speaker updates

UX London speaker updates

April 5th, 2022

If you’ve signed up to the UX London newsletter then this won’t be news to you, but more speakers have been added to the line-up.

Steph Troeth will be giving a workshop on day one. That’s the day with a strong focus on research, and when it comes to design research, Steph is unbeatable. You can hear some of her words of wisdom in an episode of the Clearleft podcast all about design research.

Heldiney Pereira will be speaking on day two. That’s the day with a focus on content design. Heldiney previously spoke at our Content By Design event and it was terrific—his perspective on content design as a product designer is invaluable.

Lauren Pope will also be on day two. She’ll be giving a workshop. She recently launched a really useful content audit toolkit and she’ll be bringing that expertise to her UX London workshop.

Day three is going to have a focus on design systems (and associated disciplines like design engineering and design ops). Both Laura Yarrow and Inayaili León will be giving talks on that day. You can expect some exciting war stories from the design system trenches of HM Land Registry and GitHub.

I’ve got some more speakers confirmed but I’m going to be a tease and make you wait a little longer for those names. But check out the line-up so far! This going to be such an excellent event (I know I’m biased, but really, look at that line-up!).

June 28th to 30th. Tobacco Dock, London. Get your ticket if you haven’t already.


Tagged with uxlondon conferences events clearleft curation research content design systems speaking speakers talks workshops

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Previously on this day

7 years ago I wrote 100 words 014

Day fourteen.

Sunday, April 5th, 2015 8:25pm

14 years ago I wrote Moral panic

Gaming, social networking, whatever.

Saturday, April 5th, 2008 1:44pm

16 years ago I wrote Naked

Dustin Diaz has a lot to answer for.

Wednesday, April 5th, 2006 11:40am

19 years ago I wrote Little wireless wonder

I have my new iBook. More importantly, I have extra RAM and an airport card for my new iBook.

Saturday, April 5th, 2003 9:24pm

20 years ago I wrote All dressed up

I had a meeting with a potential client on Wednesday. This meeting was going to be a bit more formal than what I’m normally used to.

Friday, April 5th, 2002 12:08pm

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Adactio is the online home of Jeremy Keith, a web developer and author living and working in Brighton, England.

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