Which environment should I use for data analysis on Mac?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/which-environment-should-i-use-for-data-analysis-on-mac.html
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Which environment should I use for data analysis on Mac?


I'm starting to develop an application and I'm not sure what environment (languages, tools, etc.) I should use. Here are some infos:

  • The app analyses a bunch of data that I have in a database. There is a lot of rolling, weighted averages - not too complicated, but probably too tricky to do in SQL.

  • At work, I'd probably end up with an OracleDB and a bunch of stored procedures. However, this is a private project and I've recently switched to a Mac.

  • After the analysis is done, I might want to expose the results on the web. As my hosting package includes a MySQL database, I'd like to work with that as a database engine. I'm not sure how good the support for stored procs on MySQL is and what tools to use for writing and debugging - any equivalent to Toad on the Oracle side?

  • When developing on Windows, I could write the analysis functionality as a C# or VB app - what would be a good equivalent on the Mac side?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'd especially like to get a better understanding of some "modern" languages (such as Ruby or Python) if this makes sense for what I want to develop.

Python seems like a good choice. It's probably what I would use, but that's because it's what I'm good at already.

MySQL supports stored procedures from 5.0 forward, I believe. I'm only a self-taught database guy, and I've never had occasion to use them. I'd make sure your host is using a recent MySQL version.

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