MyKnotBook - A wedding website that feels like you | Product Hunt

 2 years ago
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A wedding website that feels like you

  1. maxresdefault.webp
Gone are the days of manually collecting RSVPs...Share wedding details, collect RSVPs, assign guests to tables, and collect photos and videos of the day all in one place.
🎁 30% Off Premium
Featured 1d ago
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Data Analyst. Blockchain Enthusiast.
@myknotbook Congratulations on the launch!!! Really loved your website and the services that you offer. All the best :)
Founder of MyKnotBook
Tech Enthusiastic High School Senior.
I am interested in making the website for my brother's wedding but the pricing is not written anywhere on the website, so, is the standard plan free?
Founder of MyKnotBook
Hi @jash_shah8 I've added the pricing to the plans on the website, thanks for pointing that out, as a thank you, I'm willing to offer you the standard plan for free
Founder of MyKnotBook

The idea for the product started when I was planning my own wedding, and I tried some of the apps out there for weddings websites and RSVPs and nothing fitted my needs in terms of functionality and pricing.

I was looking for something that would have names based RSVP, the ability to enable or disable +1s per guest, the ability for guests to upload pictures and videos of the day, and to have a separate page for ceremony, reception, and full-day invitations; and finally a reasonable one time payment without a monthly subscription.

It sounds very simply yet, couldn't find it back then, so I built it myself and then productised it after the wedding.

Founder of MyKnotBook

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Joyk means Joy of geeK