Kalënder 2022

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/kalender-2022
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Minimal and printable 2022 calendar
A printable calendar to get you through 2022 without clutter.
Featured 9h ago
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Tech Enthusiastic High School Senior.
the product is really good. the checkout is not happening with 0$. what should i do?
Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio

Hey @jash_shah8!

I just fixed it, my apologies! I forgot to fix that from the beginning. Thank you for the heads up!

Tech Enthusiastic High School Senior.
sorryy..but I tried with mobile and laptop but the checkout is still not happening...
Async Potato Farmer 24/7
Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio
Full-Stack Developer | Tech Blogger
This looks so crisp and beautiful! Thankyou for this Michael!
Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio
building statsph.com
2 launches in a week 👏🏻 Congrats on the launch, and super minimal design. Personally I felt the calendar view on the website too small to appreciate the design. Probably a larger preview of few months would've been nice.
Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio

Hey @georgejustin22! Is second this week, third this month hehe.

I can take care of the images without any issue Justin, thank you so much for the feedback, really appreciate that :-)

Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio
@georgejustin22 Now is fixed. Thank you again :-)
Co-Founder & COO @ tl;dv
Design is as always 👌, Michael
Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio
A 16 year old JavaScript developer
The checkout page isn't working for me, do you think that you could post a direct link?
Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio

@explosion_implosion this is so weird.... there's nothing changed, I mean... you can try here https://mikesink.gumroad.com/l/k... but is just what I have :-)

I had some issues past week too with Gumroad not showing the code input....

Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio

Hello everyone,

here we go with a calendar for 2022, yes, I know a bit late, but I wanted to make one anyway.

The pack includes:

- 🌑 Dark Version - 🔆 Light Version - 🗳 PDF Format - 🖨 Printable

I hope you guys like this minimal calendar.

Have a great day and if you have anything to ask, do it here or on twitter.com/mike_andreuzza

Serial maker
@michael_andreuzza This is really simple and beautiful design
Founder | Dev | UIUX Apesoflondon.studio
Thank you @csaba_kissi! enjoying that you like it!

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