Convert WEBP to WEBM, MP4, GIF, PNG and much more

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/webp-to
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Convert WEBP to WEBM, MP4, GIF, PNG and much more

This tool allows you to convert from static and animated WEBP's.
Featured 3h ago
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Hi ProductHunt, Following up a few of my launches in hopes to make these utilities out of these domain hacks I have useful to the world. I've launched WEBP.to, because honestly, no one know's about this format. But it is useful to convert to and from. Spent some time working out the animated portion of the WEBP's too. Hope you enjoy it, if you don't send me a mean spirited contact message on the site telling me why. If you do like, post a comment here letting me know :)

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