Global Music Charts

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/global-music-charts
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Global Music Charts

What songs are popular in each country?

Global Music Chart is a place to find out the latest music charts of all the countries in the world - currently we are tracking over 60 countries and we are growing each day. Come and find out what the world is listening!
Featured 3h ago
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i build, there for i am.


🎵 I've always been interested in aggregating music charts from all the countries in the world. I'm fascinated in different music people are listening from different parts of the world.

So here it is! My global music chart curation - currently it has ~60 countries and I will be adding more over the next few days.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Just exploring...
Super, congrats on the launch and thanks for sharing!
i build, there for i am.
@formentera Thanks!! Hope you enjoy it!
30 years old
Very beautiful! Thx ❤️

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