Driving While Baked? Inside the High-Tech Quest to Find Out

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.wired.com/story/weed-dui-test/
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Driving While Baked? Inside the High-Tech Quest to Find Out

There is no scientific way to tell if you’re stoned behind the wheel. That’s a problem for police—and you. One company is aiming to fix that.
Cognivue impairment testing device and a Logitech keyboard
Cognivue's device for testing cognitive impairment looks like an oversized laptop.Illustration: The Sams

Everyone knows about 4/20, but true stoners also observe 7/10. In the spirit of a ninth grader entering 58008 on a calculator and flipping it over to spell out “BOOBS,” the date 7/10 looks like the word “OIL” upside down and backward. This makes the 10th day of July an ideal occasion to celebrate the popular forms of concentrated cannabis oil known as dabs or wax, which can be three or four times as potent as regular bud.

In 2017, Doug Fraser spent six months planning a 7/10 event at the legal weed store he manages north of Seattle. He booked food trucks and glass blowers, and more than a thousand people showed up. Fraser worked a 12-hour shift that day, though he did not get stoned, as state regulations do not allow cannabis industry employees to partake on the premises. Before he went to bed that night, he took a small hit of oil—a modest reward for a hard day's work.

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