Cyberbackpack - The backpack Tesla never made | Product Hunt

 2 years ago
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The backpack Tesla never made.

  1. maxresdefault.webp
Inspired by Cybertruck, the Cyberbackpack is the perfect backpack for you to express your creativity and love for the future. The Cyberbackpack is made from a carbon-fiber exterior with a protective waterproof and scratch proof hardshell.
Featured 3h ago
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Maker of things cool & sometimes quirky.

Like many, I have been waiting anxiously for my Cybertruck to arrive. After missing out on the Cyberquad and the Cyberwhistle, I decided to take matters into my own hands and build something within my competence that was also inspired by the Cybertruck. It's not quite bulletproof but it can be

My ultimate goal is to get this product listed on the Tesla.com store and split the profits with Tesla. So if anyone know Elon like that, I would appreciate the plug 🔌 . Until then, you can grab a Cyberbackpack at www.Cyberbackpack.com for $199. This pricing is available only for the first 300 units, after which the price will increase to $349.


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