Empower your business with low-cost personalized search API

 2 years ago
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Empower your business with low-cost personalized search API

  1. maxresdefault.webp
Seqwa is a low-cost, easy-to-use hosted search platform. It supports: Autocomplete, Search, and Recommend. Set up a functional search utility in minutes: upload your data, generate API keys, publish a demo user interface, and search!
Featured 3h ago
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Costs about one-tenth or one-hundredth of competing search solutions.

Surprise and delight your customers with great search results relevant to what they want — no matter how they search. Seqwa is a cost-effective, cloud-based solution that’s easy to use. It can be configured securely in a fraction of the time it takes to build an in-house solution. Jumpstart your search strategy from day one and give your business the functionality needed to stay ahead of the competition.

It supports three uniquely beneficial functions: Autocomplete (query suggestions and top full-text search results), Search (Full-text Search with semantic ranking for intent), and Semantic Search (Intent-driven search). Work with one or all the functions based on your needs.

Set up a functional search utility in minutes: upload your data, generate API keys, publish a demo user interface, and search! Enjoy a seamless search experience supported by a highly available and scalable cloud infrastructure.



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