February 27, 2022

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.youworkforthem.com/2022/02/27/buona-the-bold-sporty-design-choice/
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Buona, The Bold & Sporty Design Choice

February 27, 2022

Outfit Branding and Design asked: “What happens if we take a classic old style diagonal axis and reverse it?” Their answer is Buona, an attention-grabbing display font “inspired by the rich history and lineage of Italian type.” The designers state that Buona has “tons of boldness and a little bit of eccentricity, along with sophisticated details that hold up at very large sizes. With a wide range of expression and personality, it can be used for everything from fashion labels to logotypes, to modern editorial and billboard signage.”

Buona has an inherent flash, with sporty details helping to evoke an elegant rebelliousness—the flair of the eccentric aristocrat. The choice of illustrating Buona’s potential on a mocked-up Primitivo bottle couldn’t have been more astute to display the font’s character and attitude. Vivino refers to the southern Italian grape Primitivo as “delightfully brash,” the perfect description for Buona. Sport cars, scents, classic movies: Buona has a richness, a sensual edge. It’s perfect across a continuum of brands and ideas rooted in classiness with a wild heart and robust staying power.

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