The Next Key Innovation in the Shift-Left Movement

 2 years ago
source link: https://tomtunguz.com/investing-in-signadot/
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The Next Key Innovation in the Shift-Left Movement

Posted on 2022, Feb 25

2 mins read


Microservices has become the default architecture for many companies. By breaking down large codebases into smaller pieces, microservices empower engineers to ship code faster. Continuous integration, the process of constantly folding new code into production (live on the website or service), further accelerates the software velocity.

There’s a cost to this speed: coordination. Engineers developing microservices work with the ground shifting underneath them all the time. An engineer building a new microservice that enables up-selling customers relies on other software written by teammates. The upsell service might use three services: customer identity, billing, and feature flags to update the CRM with an upsell, increase billing, and flip on the new features using LaunchDarkly.

During the course of a day or week, any of those three dependencies might evolve and break the upsell microservice. Each team operates relatively independently. Because the upsell microservice is under development, no regression tests exist to ensure changes don’t break the upsell functionality.

The ideal solution is to develop in production, but developing in production is risky. An engineer might delete customer data or unwittingly interfere with other bits of the codebase.

Signadot enables developers to code in production safely. Signadot enables engineers to write microservices code in production while isolating the network and the database - sandboxing the microservice. This is the best of both worlds. The upsell microservice uses the latest code from peers and the core infrastructure is safe.

Most saliently, Signadot is founded by a cloud-native team. Arjun & Anirudh, the co-founders of Signadot have deep infrastructure experience. Arjun was the Senior Director of Engineering at AppDynamics and grew the BusinessIQ division to $100m in ARR, and Anirudh is a key contributor to Kubernetes.

Signadot sandboxes are lightweight and Kube-native. They don’t require retooling the code or the infrastructure the way other solutions might, which means sandboxes can be adopted quickly and easily.

We’re thrilled to partner with Signadot. The company is growing quickly and looking to hire people passionate to build the next layer in the shift-left movement,

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