LinkedIn Launches New Podcast Network to Provide More Professional and Career-Re...

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source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/linkedin-launches-new-podcast-network-to-provide-more-professional-and-care/619303/
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LinkedIn Launches New Podcast Network to Provide More Professional and Career-Related Content

Published Feb. 23, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

LinkedIn is leaning into the rising popularity of podcasts with the launch of its new ‘LinkedIn Podcast Network’ where it will host a range of shows focused on key professional trends, created by both internal staff and external experts.

LinkedIn Podcast Network

As explained by LinkedIn:

Starting today, we’re piloting an exciting new way for you to connect with leading professional voices with the launch of the LinkedIn Podcast Network. With this pilot you’ll have access on LinkedIn to programming and conversations from industry leading creators such as Morra Aarons-Mele, Jonathan Fields, and Mita Mallick and Dee C. Marshall, as well as shows created in-house by LinkedIn News.”

Indeed, LinkedIn has tapped a broad range of established creators for its podcast network launch, including veteran tech journalist Alex Kantrowitz and author Jonathan Fields.

LinkedIn Podcast Network

All of LinkedIn’s podcasts will be available on LinkedIn, by following each podcast host in the app and subscribing to their newsletter, while listeners will also be able to tune in via ApplePodcasts, Spotify, or any other audio provider. 

The main lure that LinkedIn’s looking to highlight is that by connecting with these hosts on LinkedIn, you’ll be able to extend the conversation beyond the passive listening experience.

“Hosts will continue to engage with listeners - existing ones and new ones drawn from LinkedIn’s global community of 810 million members - through posts, videos, Newsletters, LinkedIn Live events and more. Just navigate to your favorite podcasters' profile and click Follow; super fans can click the bell icon and always get updates.”

Podcast popularity is at an all-time high, with Edison research reporting last year that some eighty million Americans are now weekly podcast listeners, while 116 million tune in to podcasts monthly. That also presents significant advertising potential, with podcast revenue tipped to exceed $2 billion by 2023.

LinkedIn’s hoping to tap into this with its new push, while it’ll also give the platform another option to help promote some of its top creators, with applications also open for other broadcasters to join LinkedIn’s stable of professional podcasts.

And there are definitely some good, established podcasts there, which will help LinkedIn attract an audience, and cross-promote its other programs, expanding awareness.

It could definitely be worth tuning in, with the LinkedIn staff-hosted podcasts also, potentially, offering new insight into coming features and additions.

You can check out the LinkedIn Podcast Network here.

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