BioWare promises Dragon Age 4 is coming along just fine

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/23/22947737/bioware-dragon-age-4-production-update
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BioWare promises Dragon Age 4 is coming along just fine

The studio says production is underway but it ‘takes time to get it right’

By Ash Parrish Feb 23, 2022, 2:26pm EST

Production on Dragon Age 4 seems to be coming along nicely, according to an update from BioWare.

In a blog post, studio general manager Gary McKay says:

For the next Dragon Age, we are right in the middle of Production, which is a great feeling. Our blueprint was completed last year, so we’re now focused on building out our vision: creating amazing environments, deep characters, strong gameplay, impactful writing, emotional cinematics – and much more. The blueprint for the game is well understood and the team is focused.

It’s been seven years since the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition and almost four years since the first images from DA4 were teased during The Game Awards. Since then, news on the latest installment of the Dragon Age series has been spottya short trailer here, some concept art and short stories there, and a report stating that EA abandoned ideas of adding multiplayer elements to the game after the failure of Anthem. While some fans are more than content to wait patiently for BioWare to serve up some Eggs for scrambling, the studio promised a more regular stream of information on the game will start in the coming months.

“Later this year, you will start to hear more from the Dragon Age team in the form of blogs and social content,” McKay wrote.

The blog wasn’t only Dragon Age-focused. McKay also said the Mass Effect team is hard at work concepting new ideas for the latest installment in the alien romance simulator that occasionally masquerades as a very good action RPG.

In the last three years, several high-profile Dragon Age developers have left BioWare, causing concern that the game’s production was in jeopardy. The DA4 update seemed to alleviate some anxieties fans have had about the state of the game. McKay said that while he understands fans are eager for information on Dragon Age 4, BioWare’s primary concern is a quality product that will inevitably take time.

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