Twitter Shares New Stats on User Engagement Around March Madness [Infographic]

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/twitter-shares-new-stats-on-user-engagement-around-march-madness-infograph/619228/
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Twitter Shares New Stats on User Engagement Around March Madness [Infographic]

Published Feb. 22, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

With the 2022 March Madness college basketball tournament fast approaching, Twitter has today shared some new insight into how Twitter users engage with the event, which could provide some valuable pointers for your tie-in strategy.

The annual event is the biggest showcase of college basketball stars, many of whom will go on to become NBA players. And with the combination of localized fandom and future celebrity, there’s a huge buzz about the games.

Which, evidently, translates to Twitter chatter – according to Twitter’s stats:

  • There’s a 291% increase in video views on college basketball content during the event
  • 67% of those tweeting about the NCAA tournament have also tweeted about the NBA
  • 59% of fans tweeted about basketball for the first time during the event in 2021

There are also big increases in mentions of shopping, dining out and accessories among those tweeting about the event, reflecting the broader influence that March Madness can have on social gatherings and related interests.

Which could be worth noting for your strategy – you can read Twitter’s full report here, or take a look at the infographic summary below.

Twitter March Madness insights

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