How to: Disable macOS System Integrity Protection

 2 years ago
source link: https://donatstudios.com/Disable-macOS-System-Integrity-Protection
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How to: Disable macOS System Integrity Protection


Tags: WalkthroughMacOS

By Jesse Donat on Oct. 23, 2013 (Updated: Jun. 28, 2019)

If you are running OS X El Capitan or newer you will need to disable System Integrity Protection to modify system files and directories.

To disable System Integrity Protection, boot into recovery mode by restarting and then holding ⌘R as you hear the startup chime. Then start the Terminal from the Utilities menu.

Run the following command

$ csrutil disable

Then reboot. You are good to go.

If you wish to turn it back on, follow the instructions above but instead use:

$ csrutil enable

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