Episode 100 - Why podcast about Tech?

 2 years ago
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Episode 100

Why podcast about Tech?

Guests: James Studdart Lee Mallon

22 Oct 2018 | 0 Comments

In this episode the tables are turned and the host is under spot light and talks about technology and podcasting

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Show Notes

In this episode the tables are turned and the host is under spot light and talks about technology and podcasting.

We talk about why the podcast came around, what tech has been the most interesting, where James thinks tech is going and much more!

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Contacting James Studdart

Website: https://JamesStuddart.co.uk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesStuddart
Podcast: https://CynicalDeveloper.com/
Podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/cynicaldevs


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James Studdart

James Studdart

James Studdart is a full stack .NET developer, solutions architect and team leader based in the UK. He has experience in a wide range of markets from tropical fish and domestic services to international freight and the holiday industry, to name but a few.

He doesn’t know the meaning of downtime…

Guest Episodes:

Lee Mallon

Lee Mallon

Lee runs a mobile app agency, called Rarely Impossible. They are a Xamarin Premier Partner working with companies across the world on international organisation mobile strategy and building UX line of business applications using the Xamarin platform.

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