What Makes a Good Product Roadmap?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.mindtheproduct.com/what-makes-a-good-product-roadmap/
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What Makes a Good Product Roadmap?

BY Eira Hayward ON AUGUST 13, 2020

Roadmap creation is one of the primary jobs of a product manager, and probably the one that causes them the most difficulty. There are many books, blogs, conference talks, and training programmes on what makes a good roadmap, and people make careers out of being roadmapping experts. It’s impossible to distill all this valuable information into a single article but hopefully this post will give you enough useful advice to set you on the path to successful roadmapping.


The Definition

Let’s start with a definition: what is a roadmap? While there are plenty of definitions for a roadmap, as ever, it’s the simplest that are the best. We can define a roadmap as a visual document that shows the steps you intend to take to realise you…

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