Lessons learned in building product roadmaps by Jen Taylor

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.mindtheproduct.com/lessons-learned-in-building-product-roadmaps-by-jen-taylor/
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Lessons learned in building product roadmaps by Jen Taylor

BY Andres Phillips ON FEBRUARY 7, 2022


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image representing a the journey between points A and B

Building product roadmaps to convey product direction is for teams as well as customers, but there are no universal rules on how to jump-start or get there. In this #mtpcon Digital Americas session, Cloudflare’s Chief Product Officer, Jen Taylor, shares battle stories and lessons learned from creating B2B products and platforms over the years.

Watch the session in full or read on for the highlights.

In brief

  • To create a roadmap you must understand your customers, know your competitors and have clearly defined goals
  • Good roadmaps need certain ingredients including trust you with customers, feedback, and innovation
  • Common mistakes can unbalance your roadmap and lead to pr…

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Andres Phillips


Andres Phillips

Andres is a freelance writer and digital marketer with a background in engineering and a keen interest in the latest technology advancements. He currently helps tech companies and startups tell their stories by turning their complex ideas into easy to understand material. You can reach out to him on LinkedIn

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