2 reasons I'm learning about CSS

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.mrlacey.com/2022/01/2-reasons-im-learning-about-css.html
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2 reasons I'm learning about CSS ~ Matt Lacey

  1. To get ideas for things that can be improved in XAML. Seeing some of the cool things that can be done in CSS makes me wish we had equivalents when working with XAML. (No more details here yet, but I have a list of ideas...😉) 
  2. So I'm better able to make the switch to "web developer". I know some people effortlessly switch between XAML and web technologies--but that's not me. I, of course, also know that it's possible to create websites using XAML. It's many years since I did any serious web development and I know a lot has changed in that time. I'm also aware that there are a lot more employment opportunities in "regular" web development and I can't live on my savings forever and XAML work is hard to come by. I'm hedging my bets by learning something that may help me now or in the future.

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