APIs that Simplify How Teams Work with Document Management Systems

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.postman.com/apis-document-management-systems/
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APIs that Simplify How Teams Work with Document Management Systems

January 28, 2022· 2 mins

In old-timey days, offices took care of physical documents using file clerks and administrative assistants. Today, there are rich software solutions for managing digital documents, ranging from storage to eSignatures to team collaboration. Check out some top-notch APIs for document management systems now publicly available in the Postman API Network. These APIs are streamlining the way people manage documents and automate workflows. Make them part of your developer toolkit, and try them out by forking their collections to your own workspace:

  • Dropbox takes API-first seriously. While many of the administration tasks for Dropbox Business can be executed through the web-based Admin Console, Dropbox developed a collection specifically for admins to perform tasks in bulk and automate actions using their API. To accomplish some of these goals, it is required to chain a few API calls (the response of a call is the input for the subsequent call), or loop through a list. Try out their API workflows in this Dropbox public workspace.
  • HelloSign allows you to electronically request and add legally binding signatures to any document. Use their API to build embedded or non-embedded eSignature flows. Try it out in this HelloSign public workspace.
  • PandaDoc allows you to generate, approve, track, and eSign documents using APIs. They also provide a sandbox to experiment with API-driven automation workflows. Try it out in this PandaDoc public workspace.
  • Box is designed for the enterprise, and provides APIs to securely upload, store, view, annotate, search, and comment on nearly any type of file in your apps. They also enable integrations with cloud AI providers to enrich your files with metadata. Try out the API in this Box public workspace.
  • DocuSign allows you to connect and automate your entire eSignature and agreement process. Their APIs enable various scenarios including real estate and mortgage agreements, payments, and consent. Try out the APIs in this DocuSign public workspace.

There’s an API for everything in the Postman API Network! This hand-picked list is an interesting cross section of APIs to integrate document management with other business applications. Learn about their tech, explore their APIs for free, and don’t forget about other Postman-featured APIs, workspaces, and collections in the Public API Network. And if you have other automation APIs to recommend, let us know in the comments below.

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Joyce is the head of developer relations at Postman. Culinary magician who specializes in tacos and boba. View all posts by Joyce.


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Joyk means Joy of geeK