Everything You Want to Know About the Record Type in .NET: Performance – El Brun...

 2 years ago
source link: https://elbruno.com/2022/01/29/everything-you-want-to-know-about-the-record-type-in-net-performance/
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Everything You Want to Know About the Record Type in .NET: Performance

DotNetDave shared a great article about the performance working with Records in .Net #mustRead


In my article titled Everything You Want to Know About the Record Type in .NET 5… But Were Afraid to Ask that I wrote in early 2021, I introduced readers to the new record type introduced in .NET 5 and why, as a class author, I like it. In this article, I will drill down into the performance using the record type.

For all the examples in this article, the record I am using for comparison is PersonRecord and the Person (POCO) class in my OSS assembly that I use for testing. Both have the same properties and data validation.

Creating a Record Type in Memory

First, let us look at the performance difference creating a normal Person object compared to a PersonRecord object. Depending on if you are using .NET 5 or 6, overall, Person is more performant. But, in .NET 6, the speed is much better.

View original post 634 more words


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Hi! In the last post about Machine Learning.Net I wrote about some of the novelties of the version 0.2.0. One interesting new feature allowed us to load data not only from a flat text file, like an Csv,. The new option allow us to work with objects within a collection.…

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In "Machine Learning"

Published 29 Jan 2022By elbruno
Categorized as EnglishPost

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