Luxury Real Estate Agent Roger Pettingell Beats His Previous Sales Record By Alm...

 2 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2022/01/11/luxury-real-estate-agent-roger-pettingell-beats-his-previous-sales-record-by-almost-25-million/
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Luxury Real Estate Agent Roger Pettingell Beats His Previous Sales Record By Almost $25 Million

Roger Pettingell is once again the top-ranked luxury real estate agent for Coldwell Banker in the state of Florida, and for 2021, he’s surpassed his own $175 million sales record for 2020 by almost $25 million. Recording $206 million worth of property sales in the last year, Pettingell added to his stunning lifetime total of $2 billion in real estate transactions during his 30-plus years in the real estate business. Over the course of this period, Pettingell acknowledges he’s learned numerous lessons about sales of luxury properties, a few of which he’s able to share with residents of Sarasota.

When a Market Is Hot, More Property Sellers Need a Professional Agent

Pettingell says at least some of his recent success is due to his ability to generate considerable interest in luxury listings, a skill his experience as a veteran real estate agent has taught him well.

“One might suggest [that these days] you need a real estate agent less,” Roger Pettingell said, “but I would argue you need a better real estate agent more than ever; what you really want in a market like this is an explosive introduction for each listing because you know people out there are already looking. You want to get it to the largest number of these buyers in order to get the best price and the best terms for the seller.”

Pettingell Says Property Sellers Should Work with a Firm That’s Internationally Connected

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Pettingell believes it is important for sellers to work with a reputable brokerage firm like Coldwell Banker Global Luxury, due to its international and domestic connections. Pettingell is part of Coldwell Banker’s International Luxury Alliance Network, a syndicate of luxury property marketing agents hailing from all over the U.S. and Europe.

“I really do feel there’s a second wave of buyers coming from the international markets that we haven’t had access to in the last year because of pandemic travel restrictions,” Roger Pettingell says that “The Sarasota market is a lifestyle choice. Most of the people I’m working with are not buying their homes as an investment to flip where they need to get in at the lowest price and sell at the highest. They’re making an investment in their life. They’re buying a second home or relocating their primary residence to Florida and setting up a place where their family can gather.”

Pettingell Utilizes Cutting-Edge Technology

A significant proportion of real estate brokers depend on old-school, traditional tools and methods to promote their property listings. Pettingell, on the other hand, strongly prefers new technology and intelligent applications to more accurately target and market to his audience groups. In his earliest days in the real estate business, Pettingell was first in his office to want his own computer. Today, Pettingell regularly attends real estate technology events, utilizes social media to communicate with potential buyers, and advertises his listings on a range of different websites. He also maintains his own vlog, REALTALK™ with Roger Pettingell that features detailed video listings and real estate advice.

“Anytime there’s an opportunity to be on the cutting edge, it’s where you want to be,” he insists.

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