CEO Spotlight: Benjy Grinberg Discusses How to Leverage Your Social Capital as a...

 2 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2022/01/07/ceo-spotlight-benjy-grinberg-discusses-how-to-leverage-your-social-capital-as-a-ceo/
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We all know that social media has become an increasingly important part of our lives. We all spend time on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms connecting with friends and family members. But what about CEOs? Do they use social media to connect with their employees? How do they leverage this social capital for business purposes? This article will explore how you can find success leveraging your connections in the workplace!

Your Social Capital as CEO

In the simplest terms, social capital measures your ability to get things done through others. In other words, how well connected you are in the workplace will give you an advantage over those who do not have strong connections with their co-workers. You can leverage this connection by making valuable introductions that could lead to lucrative business deals or new growth opportunities! So what does all of this mean for CEOs? As CEOs, we spend much time building relationships across many areas, including employees, customers, shareholders, etc. This means that there exist countless opportunities each day to build up your network, which could eventually lead to success further down the line.

Building Social Capital in the Workplace

According to Benjy Grinberg, there are many ways to build social capital within your organization, but here are some of our top tips! 

Introduce yourself when new employees join the company  – One of the most important things you can do is introduce yourself to each new employee that joins your team! This allows for a more personal relationship with these individuals allowing them to feel comfortable asking questions or coming to you with concerns they may have throughout their employment at your firm. Introducing yourself also shows respect towards newer members by taking time out of your day and allowing them to meet during orientation week, which they will not forget later down the line.

If possible, try branching outside into other departments – Is there someone in accounting you’ve wanted to get to know better? Why not reach out and introduce yourself! Doing this shows that you are interested in more than just your department and opens up the opportunity for future collaborations.

Take an interest in employees’ family members  – This is a great way to show that you care about your employees as people, not just workers. When an employee shares news of a new addition to their family or recent accomplishments, take the time to congratulate them and let them know how happy you are for their success! Not only will they appreciate the gesture, but they may also be more likely to come to you with any workplace issues they are experiencing, knowing that you genuinely care about them as individuals.

Maintain social network relationships  – It is important to maintain your connections with your employees and other stakeholders. This can be done by taking time each week to connect with these individuals more personally, not just in the workplace! Keep up to date about their family life, hobbies or interests so that you are well informed when it comes time for promotions, project ideas, etc.

The Consequences of Losing your Social Capital

Losing your social capital can have many negative consequences for a CEO, both in their personal and professional lives. Here are some of the top examples we found:

Employee Anger  – If employees feel like they cannot approach you about concerns or issues that may arise within the workplace, this could lead to frustration which could eventually cause them to leave your firm.

Confusion and Miscommunication  – Employees may not know where to turn for help if they feel uncomfortable approaching you with concerns or questions. This can increase miscommunications and confusion within the workplace. This could affect overall productivity, a major setback for any organization!

Decreased Productivity – When employees are not comfortable approaching you with questions or concerns, this leads to an increase in miscommunications and confusion, leading to decreased productivity.

Loss of Potential Collaborations  – When employees are not on the same page, it can be difficult to work together, leading to fewer collaborative opportunities within your organization. This could also impact overall productivity.

Leverage Social Capital as CEO

Although building social capital may seem like a lot of effort at first glance – trust us, it will make all the difference over time! Not only does having strong connections around the office allow you to find new opportunities through those relationships, but it reduces stress levels knowing that people have your back if something goes wrong.

Social capital is a powerful tool for CEOs. Learn how to leverage your social capital with employees, customers, and other stakeholders by building up a strong base of it over time. You can do this through networking events or volunteering opportunities that allow you to give back in some way. A CEO’s social capital will make him more trustworthy and likable among his staff, leading to increased productivity and improved customer loyalty rates. In the end, having an established network of people who trust you may be one of the most valuable things that any CEO has going for their business.

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