How mechanics imitate the nature

 2 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2022/01/19/how-mechanics-imitate-the-nature/
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How mechanics imitate the nature

An airplane crossing the sky

Humans have been blessed with the gift of rational thinking and the ability to make assumptions and conclusions. The observation did not only help us survive but also allowed us to evolve. Today we will see how people copied nature and how they have worked on their own ideas as well, creating a world where mechanics are admirable and take our breath away.

Flying to the sky like free birds
Perhaps one of the most impressive attempts of humans to copy nature was based on their ambition to fly. Airplanes have the same shape as birds when they open their wings to fly and this is clearly how people finally managed to make their dream come true. If you think about it, it is amazing what people can do if they have a quick glimpse at nature.

Physics is necessary to pass from the stage of just having a brilliant idea to honestly make it work but the beginning is the genesis of all and the beginning is always the part of the initial idea. Some call it talent, some call it inspiration. In reality, it is the moment that people are in direct touch with nature and they allow themselves to communicate with nature.

At the moment that they are so open they can make the essential connections between what they want to achieve and what nature has already achieved in a brilliant way they come with the idea of copying nature. This opened the doors for new exciting plans like going to the moon and traveling through the galaxy. In addition, it came with outbreaking cultural and financial consequences since it allowed tourism to become an industry for successful businessmen.

Focusing on the motion
Calatrava is a renowned architect from Spain. He has won several awards and currently lives and works in Zurich. His family has a long tradition in Spain allowing Santiago Calatrava to live his dream and create beautiful designs inspired by nature and the animal kingdom. His creations are based on his observation of animal life on this planet.

Roofs and whole buildings come to remind us how dinosaurs and other animals manage to stand and move. Imitating their backbones Calatrava based a whole series of his work on the mechanisms that allow movement on animals. A miracle of architecture and mechanics came out of this eccentric concept. Once again nature showed us the way on how to approach our structures.

The smarter invention was based on us
Talking about clever concepts the most useful and successful concept that managed to make a ”career” in human history come long before planes or the extravagant approaches of Calatrava. However, the element that was only captured by humans as a concept was the idea of the wheel. Contrary to most human creations, wheels were genuinely inspired by us.

The idea began in Mesopotamia around 6.000 ago and it was only developed there. For instance, writing is an invention that many civilizations had without having any prior communication with each other. This makes you wonder why every person on this planet concluded that writing, or mathematics, etc. is the way to evolve? In any case, the wheel was not used anywhere else. The only findings that imply that people had thought of that idea are some toys of small vehicles with wheels that were found in Central America.

One might wonder since those people invented the wheel to include it in their kids’ toys why didn’t they use it for other more important purposes like transportation. Again this is another issue that we have not managed to answer and perhaps in the future archeologists may find ancient vehicles with wheels in Central America as well. The wheel was the invention that literally freed people from their biology. Feet were replaced with vehicles and even though at the beginning they were only used to help us transfer heavy objects they soon started to transfer us from one place to another. The speed that we can now develop allows us to get closer to the people we love and the destinations we want to reach, leaving no doubt that this was perhaps the most vital invention for humans civilization.

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