Shadok harvesting transistors - problem 252

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codeabbey.com/index/forum_topic/e87a80b97903bc26a20f0cdea9cf1786
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Shadok harvesting transistors - problem 252

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Rodion (admin)     2022-01-03 13:58:33

Inspired by gardengnome's mentioning of visualizing the game field for the recent Spies game, here comes another interactive problem, in which player's opponents are moving. I know there are not much agitation around "interactive" problems currently, but they are bit more funnier to write for myself, of course :)

Due to its random nature it may be easier or harder to win on specific run, but still there is a place for some strategy and tactics. Feel free to play manually, but to claim full victory game should be completed under 60 seconds.

Shadok and Gibis

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