Typo in Page Rank as Eigenvector [166] example answer

 2 years ago
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Typo in Page Rank as Eigenvector [166] example answer

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PatrickQuirk     2022-01-07 17:44:17

Hello, Rodion.

There appears to be a small typo in the example answer for problem #166 (Page Rank as Eigenvector). When I ran my code for the problem (which did successfully solve it) on the example data, I got 8.68 instead of 8.86 for the third (index 0-based) term, but everything else was the same. One can see that there is an error by summing the terms given in the problem and seeing that they add up to 100.18 instead of 100. Not coincidentally, 8.86 - 8.68 = 0.18.

Rodion (admin)     2022-01-08 08:09:15

Patrick, thanks once more!

Plugging example numbers in the "checker" code I found your observation is pretty correct! So fixed it. Additionally though I found some 0.01 discrepancy in preceding number so got a bit puzzled how I generated example in the past :)

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