Allow requirement markers to be parsed by tetsuo-cpp · Pull Request #99 · di/pip...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/di/pip-api/pull/99
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@@ -187,16 +187,21 @@ def parse_requirements(

req: Optional[Union[requirements.Requirement, UnparsedRequirement]] = None

known, _ = parser.parse_known_args(line.strip().split())

if known.req:

# We want to stop combining strings before an @ sign with space on either side

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@tetsuo-cpp tetsuo-cpp on Sep 16, 2021

I realise this block of code is weird.

The tests in test_parse_requirements.py are very specific about how package@url should be treated vs package @ url so that's why I've written it like this instead of just doing a str().join(known.req).

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