13 Pro too big and heavy anyone? | MacRumors Forums

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iPhone 13 Pro 13 Pro too big and heavy anyone?


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Jun 21, 2021

Hi all,

I have had an iPhone 7 for the past 5ish years now and have absolutely loved it. It started failing on me Christmas Day and I decided it was time. I ordered the 13 Pro and it came today. All the improvements are nice like a WAY better camera and nicer display but I actually have hand strain from reaching around the display with how big and heavy the thing is. It just seems so big... Did anyone else have issues at first and just get used to it over time? It really is a two handed device to me which I am not used to. I am thinking about going to a 13 mini. Any thoughts?


macrumors 68000

Aug 15, 2020



SF Bay Area

I went from a 6s to an 11 Pro Max (even bigger than what you have.)
I was really stressed out about the size and weight increase and thought I had made a huge mistake, it seemed ridiculously huge and clumsy.
I got used to it in about a week, and now would never go back.

However, everyone is different.

I suggest give it a go for at least a week.
Last edited: Yesterday at 4:36 PM

now i see it

macrumors G3

Jan 2, 2002



Get a Loopy Case. Fingers then don’t have to wrap around it.

Using a Loopy Case on the biggest iPhone made is easier to hold and easier on the hand than using the smallest phone without any case.


macrumors member

Sep 26, 2017

New York, NY

I tried out the 13, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max and 13 Mini.

I love the large bright screen of the Pro Max but boy oh boy what a chunky, heavy baby that was. So I moved to the 13/13 Pro…

Like you— wrist/hand fatigue doing hand gymnastics trying to pull down Notification Center and navigate the UI elements. I even tried the 13/Pro with a MagSafe PopSocket to help me hold onto the phone without fear of dropping it… NOPE! Still too unwieldy.

I had to go with the 13 Mini. It was the only one that didn’t tax my hands and fit nicely without tumbling or feeling like a struggle.

I’m happy Apple provides different sizes of basically the same phone. The more choices the more the consumer wins!

You might want to consider giving it a week for you to maybe acclimate to the 13 Pro. If you don’t then you are well within the return/exchange period and can switch it out for a 13 Mini (like I had to. And I couldn’t be happier!!).


macrumors G3

Apr 24, 2016



Everyone is different. Get what you like best. Give it a few days and if the weight is too uncomfortable return the phone for a lighter one. Only you can judge this.


macrumors 601

Feb 22, 2020




Hi all,

I have had an iPhone 7 for the past 5ish years now and have absolutely loved it. It started failing on me Christmas Day and I decided it was time. I ordered the 13 Pro and it came today. All the improvements are nice like a WAY better camera and nicer display but I actually have hand strain from reaching around the display with how big and heavy the thing is. It just seems so big... Did anyone else have issues at first and just get used to it over time? It really is a two handed device to me which I am not used to. I am thinking about going to a 13 mini. Any thoughts?
For reach, try turning on reachability. I use it often on my 7+ to reach the “top” part of the UI. I’m sure this option is available on these new iPhones as well.

As for weight, can’t help it. Going from the 7 to the 13 Pro, you get larger battery, glass back, and stainless steel frame. Those added up.

If weight is the biggest issue, get the regular 13 instead. It uses aluminum and shaves off 30 grams compared to the 13 Pro.
If reach is the biggest issue, the 13 mini might be your ticket.


macrumors 65816

Sep 22, 2014


I almost always find that I adjust to a new phone size within a week or so. I remember when I got the iPhone 6, I thought it felt enormous coming from an iPhone 5.

The 13 Pro is definitely a hefty phone, but I honestly think it has much more bang for the buck than the 13 or 13 mini. That wasn’t as much the case with the 12/Pro.


macrumors 604

Oct 18, 2011



For me it’s a quick adjustment and I just get used to it.


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Jun 21, 2021

I almost always find that I adjust to a new phone size within a week or so. I remember when I got the iPhone 6, I thought it felt enormous coming from an iPhone 5.

The 13 Pro is definitely a hefty phone, but I honestly think it has much more bang for the buck than the 13 or 13 mini. That wasn’t as much the case with the 12/Pro.
I feel that. I am torn between switching to the mini... sure I save $240 but I lose so much. 120Hz display, better cameras, better battery life. Why can't they just make a 13 Mini Pro lol


macrumors member

Apr 16, 2021

I switched from a 7 to 13 Pro just like you. After using it since launch day I still can't say I've adjusted. But at the same time the size and weight don't bother me enough to return/sell and downgrade to the mini instead. The feature set is worth sacrificing some comfort for me.
Last edited: Yesterday at 10:19 PM

Reactions: Bodhitree


macrumors 601

Feb 22, 2020




I feel that. I am torn between switching to the mini... sure I save $240 but I lose so much. 120Hz display, better cameras, better battery life. Why can't they just make a 13 Mini Pro lol
I feel ya. Sometimes it’s hard knowing that you won’t be getting the “best” hardware. Having said that, it’s up to you to balance the spec, price, and practical usability. A high spec phone can be annoying to use if it’s not comfortable for you to use on a daily basis.

For example, myself, have considered that anything above 200g is too much to be comfortable. I dislike carrying my Poco X3 as it feels heavy and unwieldy. The iPhone 7 Plus seems to be my max comfortable weight.


macrumors 601

Jul 13, 2008




I was just going to make a thread about how I’m not experiencing any wrist strain with iPhone 13 Mini whereas I have with every modern iPhone since iPhone X. I use reachability constantly so it seemed to be caused by simply navigating the interface and swiping home.

iPhone 13 Mini is an amazing little phone. Almost the size of iPhone 5 with all of the modern features and technology.
Last edited: Yesterday at 10:51 PM


macrumors 6502a

Aug 31, 2020

If you like the phone overall, FWIW, I highly, highly, highly recommend using it for at least a week before making a decision on sending it back due to the weight (I think you actually have 30 days now instead of the normal 2 weeks, but you will obviously want to verify that).

Here is why I humbly suggest that: I wanted a specific watch since from when I was in grade school. A few years ago, I finally reached a point in my middle age where I could buy that watch. I was so excited and absolutely in love with it, but it was HEAVY to the point where it was not comfortable on my wrist, and I started wondering if it would be comfortable enough for me to wear daily or if I was going to have to sell the watch I had wanted for so many years. In reality, it wasn't that heavy of a watch, and it was just a different weight than what I was used to. In less than a week I didn't even notice the weight. The point is that any sort of accessory that seems like the size/weight is unnatural is often, to some extent, based on what you got accustomed to and you're often able to adapt.

Now, if in a week to 10 days, you don't feel like you are adapting, then you may want to consider swapping for a Mini (which is a great phone). The nice part with Apple is the simplicity of making a return in such a situation, and that policy is there for you to use should you need it.


macrumors newbie

Sep 26, 2021

I really really wanted the features of the 13Pro (and the 12Pro last year) but for me they are just too big.
So, when this year some of the camera features of the 12 Pro Max came to the 13 Mini, I got a 13 Mini but still hesitated to return it and get a 13 Pro.
But for me the 13 Pro is too big and too heavy, so I kept the 13 Mini and I am happy with it.


macrumors 6502

Aug 12, 2010

England, UK

Hi all,

I have had an iPhone 7 for the past 5ish years now and have absolutely loved it. It started failing on me Christmas Day and I decided it was time. I ordered the 13 Pro and it came today. All the improvements are nice like a WAY better camera and nicer display but I actually have hand strain from reaching around the display with how big and heavy the thing is. It just seems so big... Did anyone else have issues at first and just get used to it over time? It really is a two handed device to me which I am not used to. I am thinking about going to a 13 mini. Any thoughts?
Like others have said, try it for a week and see how you get on. I went from an iPhone 6 to the normal-sized 11 in 2019. I never got over how big and heavy it felt, especially the width of the phone which is a little wider than the 12/13 models, I think. So last week I bought the 13 Mini. It took a few days to adjust but it’s totally fine now. I love the smaller size and weight and don’t feel like I’m missing out.

It’s such a shame that Apple is rumoured to no longer make a mini model for the 14 onwards. I really hope they keep the SE this size going forward, as I’m not sure what I’ll do after 5 or so years when this phone is due to be replaced.


macrumors 6502

Apr 5, 2021

I switched from a 7 to 13 Pro just like you. After using it since launch day I still can't say I've adjusted. But at the same time the size and weight don't bother me enough to return/sell and downgrade to the mini instead. The feature set is worth sacrificing some comfort for me.
Thats basically where I ended up after upgrading from my 7 to a 13 Pro. Love the battery life, the screen and the camera’s, but manipulating it is a two handed affair, I’m just about used to it now.


macrumors 68040

Feb 9, 2014



I feel that. I am torn between switching to the mini... sure I save $240 but I lose so much. 120Hz display, better cameras, better battery life. Why can't they just make a 13 Mini Pro lol
Unless you’re going to be using those extra cameras on a daily, the mini’s photos are amazing. I created a thread and you can see what the photos are like. Battery life lasts me around 6 1/2 hours.. i don’t consume media as I have my iPad and MBA for that. It just depends on your usage and lifestyle. like others have said, it’s best to try it out.


macrumors regular

Sep 13, 2008

The flagship keeps getting heavier and larger…I hope they reevaluate this direction. The 13 Pro is 17% heavier than the X, which was already a big leap from the 8.

I love the mini enough to miss out on the slight camera upgrade and 120hz. My personal preference is aluminum vs. stainless as well.

Reactions: Mactech20


macrumors 6502a

Dec 13, 2018



I went 6s to 13 Pro. The 13 Pro is a hugely improved two hand experience but mostly breaks one handed use. It's just a bit too large for one handed left to right "back" swipes in Safari and the reachability down swipe is awkward. The weight I can get used to and the improved battery life is something I won't give up. I'm more careful putting it in pockets. The 6s slid in easily but the tighter fitting 13 Pro is prone to getting hung up.

It's a trade off. Reduced ability for one handed bedside doomscrolling is probably a good thing.


macrumors 68000

Jul 27, 2013



It’s manageable, but not my preference. My dream would be everything about the iPhone 13 Pro but shrunken down into the size of the 13 Mini. I chose to get the features over the size though. I wish Apple would’ve at least kept the smaller Pro models at 5.8” instead of 6.1”.

Daniel Narciso

macrumors member

Feb 4, 2020

It’s manageable, but not my preference. My dream would be everything about the iPhone 13 Pro but shrunken down into the size of the 13 Mini. I chose to get the features over the size though. I wish Apple would’ve at least kept the smaller Pro models at 5.8” instead of 6.1”.
I’ve said that for years now. The base pro model should be 5.8”, leaving the Max for the bigger size. I think 6.1 it’s a tad to big to be the “standard” model size


macrumors 68020

Oct 26, 2010



Doesn’t seem big to me. The max yes. If anything the 13 pro is kinda small.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604

Mar 10, 2011



Doesn’t seem big to me. The max yes. If anything the 13 pro is kinda small.
How many times have to gone from a 13 Pro to Pro Max to Pro?


macrumors 6502

Oct 14, 2016


San Jose

Yes. I found the 13 Pro to be comically large for something designed to fit into a pocket, which is why I returned it (coming from an iPhone 8) and went with a 13 Mini instead. It’s unfortunate that Apple does not offer a Mini with all of the Pro features.

I think it may depend on your use cases, eyesight, whether you have an iPad, etc, but I absolutely love my 13 Mini. It’s incredibly portable, lightweight, and comfortable to use in one hand.

When I need a bigger screen, I switch to my iPad, MBP, or 27” desktop monitor.

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