Best Mac File Sync Programs For Sale, Not Rent

 2 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/best-mac-file-sync-programs-for-sale-not-rent.2328688/
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Best Mac File Sync Programs For Sale, Not Rent


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

As part of the semi-official War against software developers who want to rent their good instead of sell them...

Today, I'd like to know what good file sync program you use for MacOS? My ProSync died, is crashing on start. I can't find a new copy to download and I think I got it off the App Store, but it is no longer carried there.
So I reverted to an older product I still have on my computer, GoodSync, but then discovered it has converted to a subscription model. $39 per year, nope, not going to do that yet.
So now I'm researching. I am going to check out FreeFileSync and open source program, but I have low expectations.

FreeFileSync Pricing, Alternatives & More 2021 - Capterra

With the help of Capterra, learn about FreeFileSync, its features, pricing information, popular comparisons to other File Sync products and more. Still not sure about FreeFileSync? Check out alternatives and read real reviews from real users.


Any other non-subscription software you like for file sync?
Last edited: Dec 23, 2021


macrumors 68030

Aug 29, 2009



External harddrive, only comes with one payment up front and you're set

(I used to use Mega.co)


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

External harddrive, only comes with one payment up front and you're set

(I used to use Mega.co)
I want software, there is a lot I do that I don’t want to have to manually backup files.

Big Bad D

macrumors 6502

Jan 3, 2007



Perhaps you’ll get more helpful suggestions without such a useless thread title?


macrumors 6502

Dec 1, 2012


Perhaps you’ll get more helpful suggestions without such a useless thread title?
How about

"I gave no long term financial support to a company and now I want to do the same again"


macrumors 65816

May 11, 2012




Perhaps you’ll get more helpful suggestions without such a useless thread title?
Definitely +1 for Chronosync - I've been using it like forever.
Great app, great developer, great support.


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains


Perhaps you’ll get more helpful suggestions without such a useless thread title?
I took your advice and updated the thread title. I'll look at Chronosync too.


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

Cron job and rsync
Can you configure auto backups with file changes using these comands?

Arctic Moose

macrumors 6502a

Jun 22, 2017

Gothenburg, Sweden

Cron job and rsync
Yep, free and included with your macOS install.
Can you configure auto backups with file changes using these comands?
Yes. (rsync syncs the files to a local disk or remote location, and cron schedules them.)

Reactions: AxiomaticRubric


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

Yep, free and included with your macOS install.

Yes. (rsync syncs the files to a local disk or remote location, and cron schedules them.)
For auto schedule, I was thinking of real-time backups, as soon as a change is made?


macrumors newbie

Sep 15, 2021

For auto schedule, I was thinking of real-time backups, as soon as a change is made?
Chronosync express is another option I've been using it since 2014 and really like it. chrornosync express

Reactions: Huntn


macrumors 604

May 17, 2008



am not sure what type of app you are talking about?! I know carbon copy cloner can backup hdds and its sold not rented

Reactions: mikzn


macrumors 68040

Aug 14, 2009



What are you trying to do? Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) can run backups on a schedule; and when changes have been made, based on the amount of data changed.

QRecall is designed to save copies and allow rollback to earlier versions, and has a lot of options to trigger a save, such as program opening, closing, changes to file / folder, etc. The downside is you can quickly have 30GBs+ of saved versions since it keeps older ones. CCC can save earlier versions in a separate folder as part of its backup function.

I use CCC for backups and QRecall to keep older versions in the event I screw up an edit. I guess I could also use CCC archive feature to save past versions.

The easiest to use program I’ve seen was Forever Save for saving versions of files but sadly it is no longer in development.

ChronoSync (not Express) is a one time buy and supports sync on file changes, per its documentation.
Last edited: Saturday at 2:36 AM


macrumors 65816

Apr 5, 2009


Kyoto, Japan

As part of the semi-official War against software developers who want to rent their good instead of sell them...

Today, I'd like to know what good file sync program you use for MacOS? My ProSync died, is crashing on start. I can't find a new copy to download and I think I got it off the App Store, but it is no longer carried there.
So I reverted to an older product I still have on my computer, GoodSync, but then discovered it has converted to a subscription model. $39 per year, nope, not going to do that yet.
So now I'm researching. I am going to check out FreeFileSync and open source program, but I have low expectations.

FreeFileSync Pricing, Alternatives & More 2021 - Capterra

With the help of Capterra, learn about FreeFileSync, its features, pricing information, popular comparisons to other File Sync products and more. Still not sure about FreeFileSync? Check out alternatives and read real reviews from real users.


Any other non-subscription software you like for file sync?
I can recommend SyncTwoFolders. the only such utility that I know works across the Lan as well as with External disks, etc.
See the HP for pricing, which is very reasonable (6 Euros?). https://throb.pagesperso-orange.fr/site/Prg_ApplisRB.html
The same author has another useful utility named MyPopBarrier, which lets you preview mail before it gets to your computer. Setting up SyncTwoFolders can be daunting at first, but it is actually easy once you get used to it.
I use CarbonCopyCloner for complete backups and SyncTwoFolders for quick backups of single folders.


  • SyncTwoFolders Screen Shot.jpg
    SyncTwoFolders Screen Shot.jpg
    423.7 KB · Views: 17


macrumors 68030

Sep 2, 2013



North Vancouver

am not sure what type of app you are talking about?! I know carbon copy cloner can backup hdds and its sold not rented
I'll second this - I use CCC for "folder to folder sync" and back up - it can be scheduled and automatic and if you enable snap shots it can save older versions as well

Reactions: Huntn


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

am not sure what type of app you are talking about?! I know carbon copy cloner can backup hdds and its sold not rented
Anything without a subscription.


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

I can recommend SyncTwoFolders. the only such utility that I know works across the Lan as well as with External disks, etc.
See the HP for pricing, which is very reasonable (6 Euros?). https://throb.pagesperso-orange.fr/site/Prg_ApplisRB.html
The same author has another useful utility named MyPopBarrier, which lets you preview mail before it gets to your computer. Setting up SyncTwoFolders can be daunting at first, but it is actually easy once you get used to it.
I use CarbonCopyCloner for complete backups and SyncTwoFolders for quick backups of single folders.
Do you know if STF has real-time synching?


macrumors 65816

Apr 5, 2009


Kyoto, Japan

Do you know if STF has real-time synching?
Not sure what you mean by "Real Time Syncing". STF has a table where you can specify backup times, every 30 min. etc. It has worked for me for years. Just be careful to set the preferences as you like. I only use the "Source replaces target" setting, ignoring the Reciprocal and Source completes target Settings.
If you have it set up right, I think you could be OK by only using it. I do however, also rely on Carbon Copy Cloner.
Between the 2 apps, I believe all the bases are covered.
Ask the developer if you need some feature. He is very good at answering questions.


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

Not sure what you mean by "Real Time Syncing". STF has a table where you can specify backup times, every 30 min. etc. It has worked for me for years. Just be careful to set the preferences as you like. I only use the "Source replaces target" setting, ignoring the Reciprocal and Source completes target Settings.
If you have it set up right, I think you could be OK by only using it. I do however, also rely on Carbon Copy Cloner.
Between the 2 apps, I believe all the bases are covered.
Ask the developer if you need some feature. He is very good at answering questions.
Real time just means the program is running, it senses any change, and backs up what has changed automatically, immediately. Some stuff I shred after electronically scanning it, so I don’t want to wait for later to back it up.


macrumors 604

May 17, 2008



Anything without a subscription.
i meant i dont understand what is a file sync app


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

i meant i dont understand what is a file sync app
A program used to back up your files usually involving 2 hard drives, the file sync app, keeps a mirror copy of your files on the second drive.


macrumors 68040

Aug 14, 2009



Real time just means the program is running, it senses any change, and backs up what has changed automatically, immediately. Some stuff I shred after electronically scanning it, so I don’t want to wait for later to back it up.
In that case check out ChronSync and QRecall. Both would appear to do that; although with different approaches. QRecall is designed to save versions as they change so if you accidentally overwrite a file or make changes that cannot be reversed you still have an earlier version; ChronoSync is a traditional backup tool and you’d have to archive changed files to get versioning.

CCC does as well but uses total file size of all changes rather than change to determine when to trigger a synch.


macrumors Core

Original poster

May 5, 2008



The Misty Mountains

In that case check out ChronSync and QRecall. Both would appear to do that; although with different approaches. QRecall is designed to save versions as they change so if you accidentally overwrite a file or make changes that cannot be reversed you still have an earlier version; ChronoSync is a traditional backup tool and you’d have to archive changed files to get versioning.

CCC does as well but uses total file size of all changes rather than change to determine when to trigger a synch.
I downloaded the trial version of CCC and am perplexed as it appears that the lowest amount of change to have a sync trigger is 1GB of file changes. Why so much? I set the threshold or tried to set the threshold to zero GB, but that does not seem to work.


macrumors newbie

Jun 1, 2006

Yorkshire England

Ask the developer.

Reactions: Huntn

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