Dirty Little SQL Notebook

 2 years ago
source link: https://dirtylittlesql.com/
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Dirty Little SQL Notebook
Ctrl-Enter: Run query. Ctrl-B: Add cell below. Ctrl-A: Add cell above. Ctrl-D: Delete cell. Tab: Move to next cell. Ctrl-Space: Autocomplete. Alt-Left: Previous Query in History. Alt-Right: Next Query in History. Shift-Tab: Move to previous cell. Ctrl-S: Save results as CSV.
Load very large text files, very quickly, so that you can run SQL queries on them straight away.
  • Fast A 10 million line CSV or delimiter-separated file will load in less than 10 seconds. Click + above to select a file to load.
  • Secure All data stays on your computer, you're not uploading anything anywhere.
  • Flexible Load as many files as you like and treat them all as tables in the same database. Field delimiters are automatically detected.
  • Many File Formats Works with Excel, OpenOffice files, JSON files, and even SQLite db files too! You can use Ctrl-s to save your query results as a CSV.
  • Convenient Your queries and results are stored so you can use Alt-Left and Alt-Right to review and rerun them.
  • Fancy You can get the results of your queries as charts. Just use Alt-Enter instead of Ctrl-Enter when running the query. The first column in your results is treated as the X-Axis, and all subsequent columns as values to be plotted on the Y axis.
  • Notebook-Like Use Ctrl-a and Ctrl-b and to add as many new query cells as you like, where you like, and create a notebook for saving results to a PDF.
Under the hood.
  • sql.js The database is a web-assembly version of SQLite called sql.js that runs in your browser.
  • VSV It also uses a SQLite extension called vsv to load delimited text files quickly.
  • Codemirror Syntax highlighting
  • sheet.js Excel and Openoffice support.
  • chart.js Charts
  • LocalForage IndexedDB for efficient local storage.
  • Github You can view the git repository for this project at the author's github page..

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