Get Started With WordPress

 2 years ago
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Get Started With WordPress

As WordPress is a self-hosted platform, there are a few steps required in building your first site. Check out the below steps to know detailed knowledge for a complete walkthrough.

  • Sign up for a Hosting Plan:

You’ll require access to a web server – a place where your site’s data and files are stored, which can send information across the web to anyone who visits your domain name. This indicates purchasing a hosting plan.

As there are many types of plans available, you can choose any plan depending on your specific needs and the type of site you’re making. One of the best choices you can make is to choose a quality, WordPress-specific hosting plan.

Also Read: Do I need a dedicated server for my WordPress site?

  • Explore Your Control Panel:

Once you’ve signed up for your hosting plan, you’ll need to get familiar with your control panel. You will require to register a domain and ensure that WordPress is installed. Later on, you’ll operate this control panel to configure your new users, website mail, and access your MySQL databases.

  • Register a Domain:

Try to pick a domain that is different and catchy but also simple enough for visitors to easily remember. Once you are done with the domain and a hosting plan, it’s now time to start creating a site.

  • Access and Customize Your Site:

So now it’s time to actually create the website you’ve been assuming about. So next, a WordPress Website Builder’s “Getting Started” wizard will be ready and waiting for you to log in for the first time to your WordPress dashboard. Further, this wizard will guide you through everything you need to do to make your site published and ready for visitors.

Once you have selected your favorite theme, you will need to pick which pages are installed and whether you want a blog on your site or not. You can even check the responsiveness of your theme, to ensure if it seems right on every device. Lastly, you can give the wizard some information and fill out other sections of your site, such as your social media profiles.

After exiting the wizard, you’ll be able to view your site’s pages on your WordPress dashboard. Further, from there you can customize your pages by using the drag and drop editing tools options and pre-built design blocks.

  • Start Creating Content:

While creating content, you will see two main types of content in WordPress: posts and pages. Both of them are being used as the same beginner-friendly editor.

After this, don’t forget to insert a contact page so visitors can get in touch with you.

Besides, WordPress Website Builder will proffer you Search Engine Optimization (SEO) suggestions on the right side of the page. Hence, this will help you in generating more traffic to your elegantly designed website.

Final Thoughts –

WordPress is an incredible platform to work with. Both beginners and experienced developers can use it to build small blogs, thriving e-commerce sites, and everything in between. But to make it a great experience, you must be familiar with the ideas discussed in this post.

What’s more, it is amazingly effortless and easy to get started with!

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