Emirates set for Boeing talks on 777X delays: CEO

 2 years ago
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November 1, 2021

Emirates set for Boeing talks on 777X delays: CEO

A Boeing 777X airplane takes off on its inaugural flight on January 25, 2020 A Boeing 777X airplane takes off on its inaugural flight on January 25, 2020.

Emirates Airline will hold talks with US aviation giant Boeing over the delayed 777X "before and during" this month's Dubai Air Show, the company's chief executive said on Monday.

The airline has repeatedly complained about the delivery of the long-haul jet, whose launch has been set back by a series of safety and technical problems.

"There will be a discussion before and during the air show," Emirates CEO Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum told a news conference when asked about talks with Boeing.

Emirates announced an order of 150 777Xs at the 2013 Dubai Air Show and later revised the deal. In May, Emirates president Tim Clark was quoted as saying he feared a delay until 2025.

According to Bloomberg News, Emirates has also raised the prospect of swapping some of its commitments for the smaller Boeing 787 Dreamliner, and has voiced concerns about the new plane's performance in desert conditions.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Ahmed also said there were "positive" signs in the economic recovery and return of demand, especially as the end-of-year holidays approach.

"We see growth as excellent," he said.

More than 80,000 visitors are expected at the November 14-18 Dubai Air Show, which will be held with mandatory masks and social distancing, officials said.

© 2021 AFP

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