12 Latest Web Development Trends To Outline In 2021

 2 years ago
source link: https://codecondo.com/12-latest-web-development-trends-to-outline-in-2021/
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12 Latest Web Development Trends To Outline In 2021

Every year web development models change, striving for new applications for entrepreneurs and web designers. With the advance of new technologies, web development has emerged, leading to effective web solutions and web applications. Today, small enterprises face a harsh time finding space for themselves in the market and due to this, they follow the latest trending technologies to hold a competitive edge in the market.

In 2021 and ahead, there will be several opportunities in web development that will shape the latest trends in the sector. Developing and managing your website according to current trends is the best way to stay competitive in your business niche.

In this article, we have outlined for you the current and latest web development trends that you can expect in 2021.

Here we have stated the Latest 12 Web Development Trends for 2021 –

  1. AI and Chatbots
  2. Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)
  3. Single Page Application (SPAs)
  4. WebAssembly (Wasm)
  5. Motion UI
  6. 3D Visuals
  7. Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)
  8. Voice Search
  9. Dark Mode
  10. Cybersecurity
  11. Mobile Friendly Website
  12. API First Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chatbots –

We have seen Chatbots powered by AI as a part of web development trends in the past year and they will share the highlight this year too. We will perceive the development of voice assistants and conversational interfaces in the upcoming year.

Today, we can witness plenty of AI chatbots, virtual assistants, and voice bots as the most advanced web industry trends. These technologies enable businesses to engage and enhance human interaction. To support the users have an enhanced and smoother experience, these technology-driven solutions will play a huge role.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) –

Take into consideration the mobile web users, we can say that progressive web apps are the next big trend that we will see in 2021 and upcoming years. PWAs deliver you the best of mobile and web apps together in a package.

Many companies are striving for it because of its capability to replace the need for a smartphone application. Apart from this, PWAs are created with modern APIs to be reliable with a single code base, by which they can be obtained by anyone, from any place, using any device. Because of its mobile-friendliness, we can say without a doubt that it will rule in 2021.

Also Read : Progressive Web Applications and Its Benefits

Single Page Application (SPAs) –

Single page applications (SPAs) are considered as one of the most significant current trends in web development. It is an ideal choice when you build responsive websites with the support of mobile, tablet & desktop apps. While being cost-effective and effortless to create according to developers, this kind of application utilizes less space on servers and gives information to users efficiently on a single page.

Apart from giving a rich UX, PWAs can even enable users to operate offline, rendering all the features of a native mobile app. Hence making PWA’s one of the strongest competitors in web development trends for 2021.

WebAssembly (Wasm) 

WebAssembly is another structure for web applications that were developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The main reason why developers go for Wasm is that you can have the code compiled into bytecode and that can be easily done in any programming language. Moreover, it provides high security, language and platform-independent, and also hardware-independent.

Besides that, a website developed using WebAssembly is faster and allows the developer to script across multiple platforms. Certainly, web apps are becoming more dominant with Wasm. This is why WebAssembly is the most significant share of web development trends in 2021.

Motion UI 

Motion UI is another popular web development trend in 2021. Web developers will be able to build websites that focus on a simple design with enhanced interactions that will deliver supreme satisfaction to the customers. Even though it is in its initial stage, you will see enhanced growth in this field by 2021.

As Motion UI helps in boosting your web app rankings in search results. Herewith, Motion UI is one of the most powerful and latest trends in web development which makes the UI design process simpler and faster.

3D Visuals 

With the widespread use of 2k and 4k displays, 3D design is one of the current trends in web development. Three-dimensional (3D) visuals and elements have consistently been something that serves the customers.

For some startups picking for Virtual Reality can be an expensive option and that’s why they achieve hyper-realistic experiences for customers by opting for 3D visuals. In 2021, we will see increased usage of static and interactive 3D elements on websites.

Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) 

An Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) acts for static content only, but they load quickly than regular HTML. An AMP eliminates all intricate elements and displays only the necessary information like text, images, etc. So, this approach works ideally for blogs and news publishers.

Further, AMP technology also enhances the performance of mobile websites. By using AMP, mobile-friendliness will also increase for sites. While more and more websites alter to AMP, it makes one of the fastest-growing technologies in the market. AMP fields are increasing every year, and this expects to remain in the coming years.

Voice Search 

Voice search is one of the most interesting and latest web technology trends in 2021. It has already transformed the Internet, and experts predict this technology to improve its effect even more.

If you want your web app to be noticed, upgrade it for voice search as soon as possible. Plus, consider creating your own application for smart speakers as this will render you one more way for building a loyal audience and generating trades. According to research, it is predicted that 55% of all households in the world will have voice assistants by the year 2022.

Dark Mode 

The dark mode is another catchy trend in web development that has gained popularity worldwide recently and is here to stay. These provide an easy choice to toggle between the two modes, depending on the user’s preference.

Owning a dark-themed site makes it easier for the customer to enjoy the web irrespective of any device. Even in low light conditions, dark-themed websites require slight brightness, thus reducing battery usage. In 2021, we will see a surge in websites and apps offering dark mode user interfaces (UIs).


Cybersecurity will be one of the most significant web development trends of 2021 and definitely in the coming future. With the innovation and growth of new technologies, the risk of cyber threats is increasing day by day. With such an alarming rise in cyberattacks, website development has altered to make it easier to protect the company and user data.

As the demand for IT security is growing, the time will prevail the cyber-attacks, and hacking who holds threatening the online space of businesses. Hence, in the future, we can view web developers specializing in the domain of IT security tackle the issue. In addition, when you are developing a new website in 2021, make sure you invest in relevant SSL certificates.

Also Read : Cybersecurity & Its Various Roles That You Should Know!

 Mobile Friendly Website 

The rapid growth of mobile users reveals why the mobile-first approach will impact the future of web development broadly. Mobile devices have transformed the way we work in our day-to-day lives. Whether to do shopping, order food, learn or consume media, mobile devices have made us more reliant on technology.

Presently, web developers do more focus on mobile-friendly features because Google is now focusing on the mobile-first index. The future of the web completely depends on mobile friendliness as it enables businesses to cover a greater amount of mobile users and increase conversions.

API First Development 

In 2021 and beyond clearly web development is going to be more complex. Companies will start focusing on developing a single web-based solution for various purposes.

API-first approach sets forward the necessities of the user. Using web APIs, development costs can be reduced and enhances delivery speed. Additionally, API first approach will enable new websites to become a source for content delivery.

Cloud Computing in 2021?

We know the global pandemic was successful in plotting the actual value of cloud computing. As more and more companies moved to remote working, web development and cloud testing became more flexible.

Also, it’s predicted that in 2021, the cloud framework market will rise to $120 billion, a whopping 35%. For web development, surely this will be an exciting transformation as it minimizes the overall development cost, gives flexibility, and ensures a robust structure.

Final Thoughts 

In these above-mentioned trends, we have listed the top 12 latest web development trends which will be seen trending in 2021 and beyond in the web development field. We know web development trends are constantly growing, and it’s often hard to pursue them all. But, keeping up on top of web development trends will make sure that your website is consistently alluring and fascinating to your visitors.

Frankly, every web development trend discussed in the list is important, and as a developer, you must be aware of it. However, to view which web development trend works for you, start executing today!

Also, have a look at the current trends in mobile development. With this, you will surely get some worthy ideas!

Also Read : The Two Sides of Cloud Computing!

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