need help for oppo a37fw

 2 years ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/need-help-for-oppo-a37fw.4347127/#post-85778461
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need help for oppo a37fw


New member
If u look at thi then u might help me (pls i need help!)

i have a oppo phone (a37fw) that has been bricked (idk if it bricked)

well... i got the phone after my dad give me the phone and before i give it mo my dad, i set a PIN password and now i cant remember it ,aslo the recorvery does not have reset function ( #### <=== (i type it )u OPPO) ,and when i GooGle some way to unlock, i tried to use :Msm8x39DownloadTool.exe to unlock and it stuck at half of the processs so i unplug and plug again (well ik im dumb) .as the result, it bricked
so after a year , i try to fix the phone without doing teardown stuff (id wanna brek it),seem like i still can use the usb without the box (i forgot the name)
my computer rec it with this name:

QSH_USBBULK(something like this idk)
tried to do the same app but this time i wonder how i make it vibrate (Magical)

If someone khows how to do then pls help me!

By Hackor (Nam)

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