Open Source J2EE Frameworks

 2 years ago
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Open Source J2EE Frameworks


Spring is a layered Java/J2EE application framework, based on code published in Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development

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Dinamica Framework

This framework is based on the MVC architecture (model-view-controller), but in contrast with other MVC frameworks, most of its parts are highly reusable, meaning that your programming effort is minimized whenever possible, avoiding unnecessary programming. Many tasks are accomplished by simply configuring some XML files and templates. Presentation templates are completely separated from logic. Dinamica does not use any template language nor JSP pages technology, just plain text files with some special markers that will be replaced by the actual data.

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Jeenius is a framework to simplify the creation of J2EE applications. It has a strong focus on building web-based applications.

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Expresso is an open standards-based, enterprise-strength J2EE architectural framework for developing database-driven web applications based on open standards.

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Build on top of JAAS, for J2EE web applications. his goal is to provide for webapp developers, an easy way to manage authentication and authorizations.

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MDARAD is an open source modeling tool that generates web applications under simple servlet containers or, alternatively, in J2EE containers. It uses the dataïsland (www.dataisland.org) platform independent modeling (PIM) specifications. The generated application is packaged and built in order to facilitate user customizations to the generated code and implements many of the J2EE core design patterns. Some of the generated features are: * Struts JSP Tiles and actions to manage web layer * Persistence Facades using Hibernate * XML Serialization Services * ReST and SOAP Web Services * Lucene Full Text Search Facades * JUNIT Tests The MDARAD J2EE webapp project is divided in three components: * mdarad-framework: collection of interfaces, utilities and abstract classes used by the generated web application. * andromda-webapp: the cartridge used to generate the application. * mdarad-genapp: the development environment generator and manager. This is where you generate your project and control what will be generated or not. MDARAD also has a vision to allow ontology communications based on web semantics and ontology alignment.

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GlassFish is the name for the open source development project for bulding a Java EE 5 application server. It is based on the source code for Sun Java System Application Server PE 9 donated by Sun Microsystems and TopLink persistence code donated by Oracle. This project provides a structured process for developing a high quality application server that makes new features available faster than ever before. It is the response to Java developers who want access to the source code and the ability to contribute to the development of Sun's next generation application server which is based on GlassFish. This project is designed to encourage communication between Sun and Oracle engineers and the community and will enable all developers to participate in the application server development process.

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Jdon Framework is the combination of Domain Drive Development( Ruby on Rails that is simple and rapid but not java language) and Ioc/AOP components (Spring that is very agility but has complicated XML configuration) . Jdon Framework combines with rapidity and agility for your web application architecture. and seamlessly supports two service architecture types: JavaBeans(POJO) or EJB. It can easily migrate POJO to EJB, or integrate legacy EJB systems . Jdon Framework Features: 1. All components can be replaced, even the framework itself. 2. Support the default implementations for CRUD and Master-details display. 3. Improve performance of the framework and its applications by plug-in cache. 4. Provide the session function in micro container, application component can be stateful. Jdon Framework = Ioc(pico) + AOP( simple ) + CRUD + Cache

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Midleware abstraction layer providing foundation for rapid development and smooth integration of open subsystems. * Data model, persistence, business logic, web user interface and desktop application (thick client) framework framework usable as simple Java classes (POJOs) or within J2EE application server * Persistence layer architecture and implementation ensuring optimistic locking preventing concurrent data modification and unique data id generation and timestamp maintenance directly by a database * Default persistence layer implementation using pure JDBC for high performance, low overhead and easy portability. * Database schema definition, maintenance and versioning * Database connectivity, connection pooling, transaction management * Framework and patterns for data access and modification * Utilities for context propagation, asynchronous executions, encryption, transactional file manipulation * Web user interface framework, page inheritance, layout definition, security * Desktop application (Thick client) framework with default implementation using SWT * Database support for DB2, HSQLDB, MaxDB, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SAP DB, Sybase ASE * Connection pool support for Commons-DBCP, C3P0, Proxool, XAPool and J2EE datasources * Transaction manager support for JOTM, J2EE transaction managers and custom in-JVM transaction manager * J2EE application server support for JBoss, JOnAS, WebLogic, WebSphere

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AppFuse is an open source project/application that uses best-of-breed Java open source tools to help you develop web applications quickly and efficiently. Not only does it provide documentation about developing lightweight POJO-based applications, but it comes out of the box with features that many applications need, including features for authentication and authorization, user management, Remember Me, password hint, signup, SSL switching, e-mail, URL rewriting, skinnability/page decoration/templated-layout and file upload. This out-of-the-box functionality is one of the main features in AppFuse that separates it from the other \"CRUD Generation\" frameworks, including Ruby on Rails, Trails, and Grails.

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J2EE Pattern Oriented Framework (Jt 1.2)

Jt1.2 has been released. Jt is a lightweight pattern oriented framework for the rapid implementation of J2EE applications. Jt has been utilized in several large mission critical systems. Jt implements many well-known patterns including Data Access Objects (DAO). It features messages, attributes, logging/debugging capabilities, resource loading, etc. This framework supports several J2EE technologies including Java Server Pages (JSPs), JDBC, EJBs, JavaMail, XML and Web Services. Jt1.2 features support for J2EE Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) via Jt Adapters. EJB clients are able to gain transparent access to remote framework objects. This simplifies the development of EJB applications: no need to deal with the complexities of EJB application development (deployment descriptors, Home/Remote interfaces, etc). An implementation of the J2EE Service Locator pattern is also provided. Additional features include: * Jt is a pattern oriented framework. Jt implements many well-known design patterns. This includes Data Access Objects (DAO), adapters for several J2EE API, etc. * Jt implements a messaging pattern/API: framework objects are able to interchange information and perform computations by sending, receiving and processing messages. The messaging paradigm provides additional encapsulation and software simplicity. The messaging API implemented by the Jt Framework is very simple: very few calls are required to create, manipulate and destroy messages and objects. On the other hand, this API is very powerful. * Lightweight/fast framework for rapid development. The framework can be easily extended by adding additional Jt adapters and helpers. * Support for the JDBC API via a JDBC adapter. * JavaMail API support via the implementation of a JavaMail adapter * Web Services support via the implementation of a Web Services adapter. The Jt messaging API greatly simplifies the development of web services. * Easy customization of framework applications. This is done via resource files: object attributes can be automatically loaded from a resource file. * Java Server Pages (JSP) support. * Support for the XML API via XML helpers. Framework objects can be converted to/from the XML format. * Built-in logging/debugging capabilities. Messages between framework objects are automatically logged. This simplifies the debugging and testing tasks. * Built-in testing capabilities. * The Jt Framework provides a consistent way of handling and logging application errors and exceptions. * Proven technology. The Jt framework has been used for the development of several large enterprise applications. * Cross-platform, implemented using JavaTM technology. * Runs on any J2EE 1.4 compatible application server. For additional information please refer to http://jt.dev.java.net

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Atomikos TransactionsEssentials

Atomikos TransactionsEssentials is a premium transaction manager for automatic cancelation of problematic transactions, across disparate datasources or back-end systems. Unlike CICS (IBM, mainframe) or Tuxedo (Bea, workstations), this product is optimized for easy integration into Java-based solutions: it has a very small memory footprint and seamless compatibility with virtually every Java application. Integration into your application can be as simple as one line of code.

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OpenEnterpriseX is a free, open source, comprehensive and standards-based Java(TM)/J2EE(TM) development suite distribution for building enterprise applications. It is based on leading Open Source web servers, containers, frameworks, utilities, database and integrated development editor. The distribution will not in any way hinder your usage of any of the open source packages individually. Instead, it serves to help you use the packages easily.

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JAG Java Application Generator

JAG is an application that creates complete, working J2EE applications. It is intended to alleviate much of the repetitive work involved in creating such applications, while providing a means of quality assurance that the applications created will be of consistent quality. The projects generated by JAG have the following features: * The generated applications build with Apache Ant * EJB and Hibernate features such as relations * J2EE 'BluePrint' patterns such as Session Facade, Service Locator, Business Delegate, Fast Lane Reader and Value Objects. * A pluggable service tier: ServiceLocator or Spring Framework. * A pluggable business/persistence tier: EJB2/3 or Hibernate 2/3 * Tapestry 4 presentation-layer for a component based web tier using java 5 annotations * Webservices using XFire or Axis * Acegi security login * JasperReports PDF reports * A presentation layer (web application) that takes advantage of the latest features of Struts * Extensive use of Java 5 Annotations or XDoclet in the generated application

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jWebApp is a J2EE Servlet-based Model-View-Controller framework that allows you to use anything you like for the Model and View. jWebApp allows independence in model and view technologies. You can use any model/business layer technologies, any database-access technologies, any web-authoring technologies, and plain old HTML and HTML forms.

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ActiveInsight is an open source ESP / CEP framework that offers real-time, value-based detection and reaction to events and patterns. It offers a distributed (cloud ready) Event Stream Processing framework used for processing single and aggregated events (Complex Event Processing). The ActiveInsight framework offers a pattern detection engine and distributed caching modules designed to be embedded in 3rd party applications (ISV's) or deployed as a standalone application along side other back-end systems.

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Doff is a lightweight Open Source J2EE toolkit that provides mapping between actions (servlets) and URLs without writing XML or any configuration file. Doff uses Java 5 annotations and offers many features.

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Seam Framework

Seam is an open source development platform for building rich Internet applications in Java. Seam integrates technologies such as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java Persistence (JPA), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 3.0) and Business Process Management (BPM) into a unified full-stack solution, complete with sophisticated tooling.

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Jspresso is a new generation framework to easily build professional quality java distributed desktop applications. Jspresso dramatically reduces the development cycles needed to get your business application up and running while not sacrificing quality, robustness and performance. Jspresso is not another webapp framework. Jspresso based applications offer the exact same ergonomics as desktop applications while keeping an N-tier centralized architecture. Jspresso covers extensively the whole software architecture and relieves the developer from all the plumbing by solving most of the technical concerns. Jspresso philosophy extends the \"Convention over configuration\" paradigm with a descriptive strategy made of assembling built-in descriptors (java beans). You describe what you want to achieve and not how you want to achieve it.

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NABUCCO Framework

The NABUCCO Framework is a modern approach for developing Java EE software in a model-driven way using a component model. The NABUCCO Framework consists of a MDA approach with a separate DSL, as well as components based thereon, for the development of products and customized applications. Objectives of the Framework are: - Creation of reusable components - Complete multi-client capability of all components - Depiction of recurring functions (Best Practices) - Independence from tools and special technologies - Supported by UML as well as textual DSLs - Fast ans simple development

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