Introducing Chat from Microsoft Teams on Windows 11, for your personal accounts

 2 years ago
source link: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams-blog/introducing-chat-from-microsoft-teams-on-windows-11-for-your/ba-p/2809877?WT_mc_id=DOP-MVP-4025064
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Introducing Chat from Microsoft Teams on Windows 11, for your personal accounts

Introducing Chat from Microsoft Teams on Windows 11, for your personal accounts

Published Oct 04 2021 01:00 PM 9,151 Views

Starting on October 5th, all Windows 11 users can start using Chat from Microsoft Teams on Windows. It is a signature, lightweight experience brought right to the Taskbar to let Teams personal account users quickly start a video call or chat with friends and family. Chat from Microsoft Teams is installed and pinned to the Taskbar at Windows 11 startup. Windows 11 also includes the full Teams app experience for personal accounts, which powers Chat.

The new Teams experience on Windows 11 and Chat are intended for personal Microsoft accounts and will be available only to individuals using such accounts.

Chat from Microsoft Teams on Windows 11

Can I use Chat with my Teams work or school account?

No – Chat on Windows 11 is available only for Teams personal users. If you are an IT administrator for work or school account (AAD) users, please instruct your users to use the version of Teams that is labeled work or school and uses the icon with blue tile with a white letter “T” inside. If you try to log into Chat with your work or school account, you will be redirected to download Teams for work or school.

So, there will be different versions of Teams on my Windows 11 device?

Yes. Chat on Windows 11 is powered by the version of the Teams app that uses your personal Microsoft account.

Teams work or school account users will use the version of the Teams app that is labeled (work or school) and uses the icon with a blue tile with a white letter “T”.

Microsoft Teams icons and label in Windows search.

Microsoft Teams icons and label in the Windows Taskbar.

Please note that the label will become available over the next three weeks.

If you accidentally try to log into the wrong version of the app, Teams will inform you.

As a Teams user, what should I expect after upgrading to Windows 11?

If you had Teams installed before upgrading your device to Windows 11, you can continue to use Teams for work or school as you had prior to the upgrade. Your settings for your work or school app (AAD) will stay in place. If you were previously using one Teams app for both personal and work or school accounts, on Windows 11 you will now have a dedicated app for each experience.

If you just bought a new device with Windows 11, download the Teams for work or school app (AAD) here.

For additional guidance about using Teams for work or school on Windows 11, please read this support article.

We would like to hear your feedback on the Chat from Microsoft Teams experience; please provide your feedback on Uservoice.


‎Oct 04 2021 01:37 PM

I'm sorry but this is just terrible branding. It's a huge mistake not having 1 client that plays nice with all accounts, and who is ever going to use a product called 'Teams' to call their friends and family?! 

Fix this, by giving us a new work Teams app based on the new architecture, fully integrated into Windows 11. That's what people were excited about when we heard about this.. but non-work Teams isnt going to find any traction.

Make it so that Skype accounts can also be loaded into the 1 Teams client. And keep Skype around as a separate app for people who don't need all the additional features. Now was that really so hard?

‎Oct 04 2021 11:20 PM

‎Oct 05 2021 06:02 AM

‎Oct 05 2021 07:06 AM

‎Oct 05 2021 07:45 AM

‎Oct 05 2021 12:38 PM

‎Oct 05 2021 12:58 PM

‎Oct 05 2021 02:57 PM

‎Oct 06 2021 05:59 AM

‎Oct 06 2021 06:54 AM

‎Oct 06 2021 06:55 AM

Like everyone else, I am really disappointed by this mess, now we have skype, skype for business, teams personal, teams for work and none of them communicate or integrate with each other well.  Why is Microsoft so fragmented that none of their teams talk to each other and nothing integrates between their products ?

Why does anyone need teams personal when you have skype and it is nothing like teams for work either ? 

I echo the comment of Thijs Bergervoet above   "Make it so that Skype accounts can also be loaded into the 1 Teams client. And keep Skype around as a separate app for people who don't need all the additional features. Now was that really so hard?"

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Last update:

‎Oct 05 2021 09:00 AM

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