Join us for DaprCon

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.dapr.io/posts/2021/10/05/join-us-for-daprcon-october-19th-20th-2021/
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Join us for DaprCon October 19th-20th 2021

By Dapr project maintainers | Tuesday, October 05, 2021

As we previously announced, the first DaprCon will take place on October 19th-20th! In this post, we’ll share some more details on the content and speakers. DaprCon will include a variety of content including a keynote, technical sessions, panel discussions and real-world experiences of adopters building with Dapr.

Streaming DaprCon

DaprCon is a fully virtual event that will be streamed on YouTube and attendance is free! To watch the live events just follow these two links:

DaprCon Day 1 Download calendar reminder

DaprCon Day 2 Download calendar reminder

Make sure to set a reminder on these YouTube live events to be notified when the event starts!

In addition to YouTube, Day 1 will also be streamed on LearnTV.

During both days we’ll devote dedicated channels on the Dapr Discord server to discuss the various sessions and topics so make sure to join the server.


Day 1: October 19th 2021

Time (PST) Session 8:00am-8:30am Keynote 8:30am-9:00am Zero to hero with Dapr 9:00am-9:45am Maintainer panel 9:45am-10:15am Dapr case study: Man Group 10:15am-10:45am Running Dapr in production 10:45am-11:30am Adopters panel 11:30am-12:00pm Dapr case study: Legentic

Day 2: October 20th 2021

Time (PST) Session 8:00am-12:00pm Dapr workshops

Day 1 sessions

Keynote (8:00am-8:30am PST)

Yaron Schneider and Mark Fussell will kick off DaprCon with some history on how Dapr got started, insights on Dapr features and the growing community and the vision for Dapr moving forward. We’ll also hear from Mark Russinovich (Microsoft), Mark Skrapness (Intel) and Ian Luo (Alibaba Cloud).

Zero to hero with Dapr (8:30am-9:00am PST)

In this session Cecil Philip will show key Dapr features and capabilities as he builds an application using Dapr. This session will show you how easy it is to use Dapr APIs and integrate Dapr in your application.

Maintainer panel (9:00am-9:45am PST)

Join Dapr maintainers in a live panel moderated by Ori Zohar to discuss the Dapr community, contributing to Dapr and some behind the scenes information on the Dapr release process, roadmap and how the Dapr repositories are managed. This is a great opportunity to meet some of the Dapr maintainers and learn how you can contribute.

Dapr case study: Man Group (9:45am-10:15am PST)

Ori Zohar and Simon Jones will discuss the ways Man Group has integrated Dapr to their existing solution running on-prem on virtual machines.

Running Dapr in production (10:15am-10:45am PST)

In this session, Jessica Deen will cover and demo best practices for running Dapr in production. Everything you need to know about security practices, rolling upgrades to a new Dapr version and more!

Adopters panel (10:45am-11:30am PST)

Donovan Brown will talk to a panel of Dapr adopters who are using Dapr in real world solutions and discuss their journey and experience of building mission critical systems with Dapr.

Dapr case study: Legentic (11:30am-12:00pm PST)

Donovan Brown and Ciprian Mocanu will discuss how Legentic is using Dapr on AWS with Python and FastAPI.

Day 2 workshops

On the second day of DaprCon, October 20th 2021, you’ll have the opportunity to get some hands-on experience with Dapr as Sander Molenkamp and Edwin van Wijk walk you through a series of steps to build an application using Dapr. The workshop will be available in the following programming languages: .NET, Java and Python.

Workshop prerequisites

To make sure you are ready for the workshop be sure to have these prerequisites installed:

Depending on the language you choose, you will find these additional prerequisites:

If you plan to do the .NET version of the workshop you’ll need:

If you plan to do the Java version of the workshop you’ll need:

  • Java 16 or above (download)
  • Maven 3.8.2 or above (download)
  • Make sure that Maven uses the correct Java runtime by running mvn -version.


If you plan to do the Python version of the workshop you’ll need:

  • Python 3.9 or above (download)
  • Python Extension for Visual Studio Code (download)

Join us for DaprCon!

Whether you are new to Dapr or an active and engaged community member, we are sure you’ll find these sessions interesting and full of new insights and information. If you haven’t already, follow @daprdev on Twitter and help spread the word about #DaprCon! We also invite you to join the Dapr Discord channel to engage with the rest of the Dapr community!

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK