SQL Extensibility Features with Snowflake

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.sqlauthority.com/2021/10/06/sql-extensibility-features-with-snowflake/?utm_campaign=sql-extensibility-features-with-snowflake
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Snowflake is the only data platform built for the cloud for all your data and all your users. Mobilize your data to advance your business. I have been learning about it a lot recently. Lots of my clients are also using this technology for their products and data warehousing. I have recently built the course on Snowflake at Pluralsight where I get you going with the SQL Extensibility Features with Snowflake. Link to the Course

SQL Extensibility Features with Snowflake sqlextensibility-800x294

SQL Extensibility Features with Snowflake

Snowflake provides a number of interfaces that you can use to write an application that connects to Snowflake. In this course, SQL Extensibility Features with Snowflake, you’ll learn to use various SQL extensibility features and their significance on the Snowflake data cloud platform. First, you’ll explore stored procedures and their advantages. Next, you’ll discover user-defined functions with their use cases. Finally, you’ll learn how to use views and keep them secure. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of building reusable SQL components needed to build scalable Snowflake data in the cloud.

Every single day we come across lots of data. Snowflake is one of the most powerful platforms where we can build data-centric robust applications. In this course, SQL Extensibility Features with Snowflake, you’ll learn to use various SQL extensibility features and their significance on the Snowflake data cloud platform. First, you’ll explore stored procedures and their advantages. Next, you’ll discover user-defined functions with their use cases. Finally, you’ll learn how to use views and keep them secure. We will also learn how to measure the performance of various SQL Extensibility features with the help of query profiling. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of building reusable SQL components needed to build scalable Snowflake data applications in the cloud.

Link to the Course

If you have a Pluralsight subscription, you can watch it for free. If you do not have a Pluralsight subscription, you can still watch the course for FREE by signing up for a trial account.

Reference: Pinal Dave (https://blog.sqlauthority.com)

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